How to prevent a hidden field on a form from overwriting a default value in an email field

We have a Monday board that’s integrated with Zendesk, and to create the Zendesk ticket, we need to have an email address field. We’re using this board to generate an internal request, so I can’t use client emails. We want to use a default

Unfortunately, because I have someone on another team populating items with a form, my default email isn’t filling in. And I don’t want to ask them to type “” every time they fill out a form. I also don’t want someone else to have to manually add missing emails so our alert will trigger into Zendesk appropriately.

Is anyone aware of a way to make sure our default email shows up when an item is created via a form w/o forcing someone to add it manually every time?

I hope that use case is clear & understandable. Thank you.

Hi Daniel,

Welcome to the community!

You can set up a default value for the email field so that it automatically populates with "" each time an item is created via a form


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Hey, I appreciate your reply.

I was never able to find options for adding a default value to an email field. I was able to do this by creating a text field and adding the email address as a default value there, though.

Either way, the problem I’m running into is that value doesn’t auto-populate on a form, so when someone fills out the form it’s submitted as a blank value, and the blank value appears to overwrite what I’ve set as a default.

It’s fine if you’re adding items directly to the board, but it doesn’t work if you’re adding items via a form, and 99% of the items we’re adding come in via form.

The only workaround I’ve been able to come up is to add instructions on the form asking someone to type out this email address exactly every time they fill it out, which is not a great experience for them.