How to unsubscribe from items

We have recently started using and I’m getting a notification for every update that anyone performs. How do I unsubscribe myself from specific items?

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Hi Charlie00TJ

Thank you for joining the Community.
If I understand you correctly this i possible if you unsubscribe yourself from an item in the top-right corner.

If not, please correct me, but in my case it works just fine.
As default, you are subscribed to every item you create.

Wish you a wonderful day.

Best regards

That worked! Is there a way to change it for multiple items at once?

Thank you,

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Hi @Charlie00TJ
Unfortunately at this time you are unable to unsubscribe from multiple items at once. However, if there is a need to stay subscribed to the item, you can always adjust your notification settings to prevent the overload of updates.

To do that, you simply click on your avatar in the bottom left corner, and select “My Profile”. Then you will click on the “Notifications” tab:

From there you can select for which actions you want to be notified for. You can make these selections for both email and in app notifications.