How to use formula to calculate Sum of values across multiple Numbers columns based on condition e.g find column with name or even “all columns”
I am used to google sheet or excel where I can perform sum of values easily with SUM(:) with any defined range I want.
So far in, I only can do this SUM(column1, column2, column3,…)
PS: these columns are date header e.g 2/12/2023, 9/12/2023, 16/12/2023
How can I achieve similar result in
Ideally if I can SUM over columns easily with something similar here will be great e.g SUM(where year column = 2023)
Please advise.
Attached screenshot example of what I have done so far.
Do note that these columns will be added more down the road as well
Hope somebody can provide a graceful and scalable solution without needing me to manually update this formula to add new column manually.