Hello, I am quite new to monday and looking for some tutorials or other info on automation.
I am tasked to depict our workflow in monday and wold like to use outomations to do so.
The basics are quite simple and I have a good understanding of triggers and actions and multiple automation steps.
Where I am failing - and not able to find any tutorials - is how to possibly us data of “parent” items in automatic creation of new items. This would involve simply using a specific columns text string or just the task name to reuse in a new automatically created one ( manual task named: “Dummy-Manufacturer” would create automatic tasks: “Dummy-Manufacturer: Product List” and “Dummy-Manufacturer: Images” and “Dummy-Manufacturer: Meta”)
I have found references to {pulse.name} and other pule objects but was not able to use them as they are not interpreted at all or return empty values. Is there some documentation about this?
In same contect I have seen someone using a “create a new board” automation on status change using this pulse objects to populate board name - but I was not able to find this “create board” command at all - what I am missing and where could I start to get a good grasp about all this?
Thank you in advance, and sorry for my little convoluted first post