Improvements on Time tracking column

Seriously starting to regret my choice for Monday. Almost 2 years after flagging this massive shortcoming, still no solution.

When can we expect this malfunction to be solved?

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Hi @danhall76 - Welcome to the community. I’m sorry to hear you are facing some serious frustrations with the time tracking part of monday com. While I can’t promise to have the answer to your issue, I would be happy to chat with you for a bit on Zoom and see if I can help you find a solution. We’ve worked with several professional services and consulting firms who do complex time reporting, and have been able to find monday com methods that work well for them.

If you would like to book a time to chat, you can schedule a free strategy session with us here: Book a call with Polished Geek: Do more with monday com


Any updated? Our agency just started using Monday and we’re extremely surprised only one person can track time on a task.


A Suggestion on how to Quickly Accommodate Simultaneous Time Tracking

I see from the boards you have not implemented simultaneous time tracking. One quick quality of life feature or workaround you could add for agencies is an indicator on the subitems icon that a clock is running or not running. Alternatively you could change the color of the time total on the column that is created if you choose “show summary on parent item” for time tracking in a sub item. For some reason this exists if you only have one line item time tracking, but not if you have multiple (subitems is so close to being a solid workaround).

We are using time tracking within subitems to be able to track multiple team members times on an individual project (simultaneous time tracking workaround). However, it is incredibly frustrating that we cannot see at-a-glance that the clock is running if the sub items are collapsed. We would have to expand all of the subitems for all rows to see where clocks are running throughout all projects, which would really undo the at-a-glance nature of your platform.

Based on the number of agencies asking for simultaneous time tracking as a feature request, I think this would be a quick viable workaround or stopgap measure for the many agency principals that are needing this. Putting an indicator that auto-toggles on the subitems icon, a css rule on the time summary, or allowing your already existing icon to be visible when multiple subitems exist would not require any manipulation to the overall client data stores, so I’m assuming this would be a far less complicated patch than implementing a fully overhauled time tracking feature at your core level.

In short, simultaneous time tracking mostly works at the subitem level, but a visual indicator that time is running when subitems are collapsed would make us agency managers very happy, and I think most would consider this a fast viable fix to the lack of an actual robust simultaneous time tracking solution. Please consider.


Hi @DangerFarms-Chris - check out the thread below. @Thomas-Omnitas is building a sweet time tracking app that will give functionality similar to Harvest and other dedicated time tracking tools. This looks like it will solve your issues.



any updates on this ?

Hey @Sven.H - check out the link here. There is a preview setup for next week. All I can say is if @Thomas-Omnitas is building it, it’s going to be amazing.



Thank you for the info! Will def. join the preview webinar! thx.

Bumping this. Has there been any updates that I’m not aware of?

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Have been recently trying to move away from Xero and into for time-tracking, but seeing threads like this is very worrying. We are currently using the subitems time tracking workaround, which will work for gathering all time on a task for different people to share with a client.
The most annoying things so far are that the sub items time tracking does not show in the time tracking dashboard widget, and so there is no high level view on who is logging time, and the fact that subitems disappear when moved to another board.
I understand there are some partner apps coming out soon (Need an expert for an intricate Time Sheet Tracking For Employees - #29 by Thomas-Omnitas) and that more sub items updates are around the corner. But even with those, I feel like everything is a workaround on top of a workaround. Time tracking clearly not a priority for, even though it is for the companies it advertises to.
Happy to learn from others on how they solve this issues.

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@george_planit I totally respect and understand where you are coming from. This is exactly why we decided t o develop our time reporting app. With the app you will get full Harest and toggl functionality inside of without need to integrate anything.

Time tracking and reporting is rather complex. With the ability to integrate most time reporting tools monday has focused on deploying the rather simple time tracking column for those organisations that doesn’t need full functionality.

Feel free to sign up for our beta to test the current version of the app:

Currently we have a module for planning and a module for reporting.
the last features are being developed as we speak and we are tracking a 1.0 release second half of june.

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Any update on this? This is a MAJOR issue for our organization, and a huge shortcoming of Monday. We switched to this platform in an attempt to streamline what technology we were using, not to add more apps. Is Monday going to find a solution to this for companies that don’t want to learn a new partner app?

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Some of you may find the approach I’m using helpful:

A single Time Tracking board where people create sessions that link to any relevant items (thanks multiboard!) and which can also take #tags, like Toggl.

Video makes it clearer:

More friction than simply clicking play/pause on an item.

But quite flexible and scalable, and easy to keep to track of what you’re tracking and report on it.

Add us to the pile here. I would never have thought to check that the tool allows for different people to track time at the same time. What’s the upside of this limitation?

And hacks or third-party tools that track time outside the tasks we’ve already created are madness. Might as well just go use Toggl or something, and what kind of Work OS would have us doing that?


Major issue for us as well! Please allow us to track time under the same task. We are an agency and need this for multiple people working on the same task, meetings, etc.
Also would love it if you could allow people to add notes so we know what they are working on (revision, changing presentation, etc).
Very crucial to our business!

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Hi @Aliado ,
Maybe our app (which is going to be live in the marketplace soon) can help with your use case, see: New product announcement - Tracket makes time work

With our app you can log time on existing monday items and subitems and add categories (labels) and even descriptions to your work logs.

We’ve been getting set up on Monday for the last few months and trialing it. When we got to the point of needing multiple people tracking time on one pulse I was sure it was possible and I just needed to figure out how.

Now I see it’s not. Am really happy with so much in Monday, but this is a real problem. I understand you’re dealing with many user needs, but it seems from track and logic that much of your target market MUST have situations involving multiple users and billing needs.

I do think you need to escalate this. It’s a bad lack in an Operating system.

Please advise on current priority.

Other users with this concern , please contribute

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Hi there
Any Updates concerning the possibility for Simultaneous Time Tracking?
Many thanks

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@mark.anley Hi Mark, any news or an Update for this issue? Many thanks.

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We’ve been using for one of our clients and have been recommending it as a tool for other clients of ours. After the realization that Monday does not allow simultaneous time tracking for different users, we regret that we will have to stop recommending this as a project management tool. Time tracking is often critical to project reporting and to say that 2+ users not being able to add time to an item or sub item on the same date/time is “expected behavior” is mind blowing. Makes absolutely no sense. This has obviously been out there for some time now with plenty of opportunity to fix the functionality.