Hi, I’m seeing inconsistent behavior on the message being sent to a Teams Chat as a result of a board automation.
My automation says "When Status changes to anything, notify {my team} in {my channel}
The “Notify” message contains a comma delimited message that is then processed elsewhere:
NNDPSTART,“{item’s Item ID}”,“{item’s Business Product Team}”,“{item’s Name}”,“{item’s Status}”,“{item’s Timeframe}”,NDPEND
However, the message I get in the teams chat has an inconsistent date format on the Timeframe column.
This morning I tested and got the message:
NNDPSTART,“6680201126”,“IT”,“Steve Teams Test”,“On Hold”,“August 6th 2024 - August 14th 2024”,NDPEND
Two minutes later I tested again and got:
NNDPSTART,“6680201126”,“Finance”,“Steve Teams Test”,“On Hold”,“August 6 2024 - August 14 2024”,NDPEND
It’s a subtle difference, but I sometimes get the “th” after the numeric date (or “st” or “rd” depending on the number) and sometimes I don’t.
Unfortunately it’s causing problems for the system processing these messages. I can potentially handle it with Power Automate, but I’d like to know why it’s doing this. Hoping someone can help figure this out?
- Steve