Introducing: Multiple Actions for Custom Automation Recipes!

Ready to take your automations to the next level? Looking to give your workflow that extra boost? We just released multiple actions for custom recipes! You can create complex workflows smoothly with this amazing feature. Add up to 5 additional actions in each automation recipe you build.

To learn how to use this exciting feature, click here.

We are always looking for feedback from our users, so if you have any feedback, feel free to send it here!


Just started using and this was one of the areas that I felt was “lacking”. Would be great if you could make the “clear column” action available. This would make it easier to reset the status on recurring tasks.

Currently, I had to change the Status label to a single space so that I can select it for the updated status.


This is a wonderful thing! the only thing it is missing some of the options that you can do with the preset automation, for example, there is no option to create an item in another board and to link an item, this would be wonderful for my workflow.