Straightforward question.
I would like to have the updates/comments be visible inside the table like a text- or longtext-column without the additional click on the bubble.
Hi @dk_NFroehlich - the app Update Magic has the ability to copy updates to a text column.
Thank you for your reply. This looks to be the best solution within monday’s current capabilities. We will try whether we can work with that. As far as I can see now it is a bit unstructured because it simply posts the update without any date or user information which makes it a bit unclear.
Hi @dk_NFroehlich - as for the date the update was made you could pair it with this from Update Magic:
Then show the “Last Updated” column to your board and it will show you the date of the update and who made it.
Thank you but that is a bit too complex a solution for the simple idea of displaying the comments differently
Having that is a good idea. I’ll look at adding that.
How would you want that to look?
Jim - The Monday Man
Update Magic #1 – New update enhancement toolbox
Column Magic
– The magical columns toolbox
We Create Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday
@mark.anley, thanks for the mention!
To be really feasable for what I am thinking of it would be nice to look something like
[User] at [time and date]: [comment]
most preferably inside a box or somehow visually framed to be distinguishable from the next or previous comment.
I would not be able to put it in a box. But, I have an idea. I’ll try to get this out soon.
The change to Update Magic #1 is now available.
You can check out the updated documentation here: Update to Column.
Jim - The Monday Man
We Create Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday
Hey Jim,
I’m trying to implement this but I can’t seem to get Update’s replies to copy over. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, monday’s API does not allow creation of replies so this has not been implemented. Would it be any value to you if we created replies in the connected board as normal updates? There would be no way to tell which update the reply was connected to.
Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday
Hey Jim,
Bummer about Monday’s API limitation.
I’m not entirely sure I understand your suggestion, are you suggesting to just having users use updates only and not use replies at all?