Is there a way to have AI search for email address and add to specified column upon item creation?

We use qualtrics to collect form data and it is emailed in to the board as a request. The form data is added to the item in monday as an update. Is there a way to have AI look for the email address that is in the form data and past it into the the “email” column of my board? I would use Forms in Monday, but they are far too messy for what I need. Qualtrics is much better for what I needed to do.

Qualtrics appears to have the ability to send a webhook when a survey is submitted. A tool like would allow you to receive those webhooks and then create items in which contain specific information from the submission. While not a free solution, it might be a more efficient way of getting information to since you can fill in specific column values.

I will look into this. Thanks.