Is there a way to migrate boards to other monday company account

I created some boards, vieuws and templates and would like to migrate them to another company using Monday inclused items, files, automations etc.
What is the best way to accomplish that?

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Hi, @OrionPax - Welcome to the community!

Are you familiar with the Developer options inside your account for monday․com Apps? You can create an installable app for an entire Workspace and then share it with someone else via an install link. It doesn’t have to go through the Apps Marketplace for direct sharing with another company.

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Obviously i wasn’t :slight_smile:
Thanks, i will try that!

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Let me know if you have any questions @OrionPax, happy to help by jumping on a screenshare.

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Hey @OrionPax,

Just wanted to follow up here! If you write into, we can also grant you a feature to duplicate boards you’ve made between accounts :blush:

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Hi again,
Raising this topic from the grave :slight_smile:
I am now arravied at the point that i need to migrate a workspace to another account.
I would like to include all the content, boards, files, updates etc.
How does that work with members, do they need to be created first in order to connect all updates and tasks to the right person again? Or should i export these as well? (not all members in my environment should be migrated)

Hi @OrionPax - I’m 98% sure that even if a member exists in the new account with the same email, migrating the workspace won’t automatically associate the tasks with them there. That’s because even if they have the same email, they will have individual unique user ids in monday. I’d have to test it to be absolutely certain that some monday magic isn’t happening, but I haven’t seen it so far.

Hi @PolishedGeek
Are you referring to the migration by generating an app as you suggested?

I was hoping that could answer me about the migration she was suggesting.

Hi there @OrionPax - I’m pretty sure the same holds true for both Workspace Template apps and Cross Account migrations. I’ve been meaning to do a big test between the two methods and document the differences, but haven’t had a chance yet.

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Hey @OrionPax! Thanks for raising this question :slight_smile:

Members won’t automatically be connected to updates and tasks in the new instance/account. I would recommend making a note of who is assigned to what first/exporting your data to Excel so that you can re-populate the assignments you’d like.

Main boards will transfer over. All automation recipes that are turned on will duplicate over to the new account. Crossboard automations will only work if the source and recipient board(s) that are duplicated are in the same folder. Info boxes and the activity log will not transfer over. Let me know if this helps!

Yes, this helps.
What should i do do get this going?

We work with different teams under the same business and for confidentiality reasons, we have to have separate Monday accounts. As of yet, I haven’t been able to find an easy way of sharing our Monday board templates with anybody else as a way of saving them having to recreate them completely.

We have tried exporting and importing the boards via excel, but this doesn’t seem to be as seamless as one would hope. Is there any way to do this, or is it possible to create a feature that allows cross-department/cross-Monday template sharing?

Hi @SamChristophers

We actually have this feature currently in beta!

We’d be happy to let you test it.

Can you please send us the domains of the 2 accounts to and explain you want to test the new feature for moving boards between accounts. Someone will be able to set this up for you and give you further instructions :slight_smile:



I have emailed several times for access. Is there another way to get this feature.

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Hey Julia,
I don’t need this option yet but will soon, as I am part of affiliate program and will soon be implementing in Croatia. I have two questions. If I create template under some name that board was called. Can I change the template name. Second question. How can I delete template I have created?

I have found how to delete template I have created

Hi, Is this feature still in beta? I have a request from someone in our account who is looking to be able to share a template with a client who has their own account

Hi. how did you delete it? I cant find the option to delete my templates that were on testing? Thanks.

Hey @TJ_S! You can delete your template by going to the template board and clicking into the three-dot menu >> More actions >> Remove from templates:

Hi, any resolution on the main topic of this thread?? A friend of mine wants to send me a template they have created so I don’t have to start from scratch and I don’t know how they can!

HELP PLEASE. Is this feature still in beta, and could we use it.