Item lives on multiple boards

Hello it is really frustrating when you have set it all up with monday and realize that you can not use the mirror fields in the automatation… and also frustrating because this request is two years old.

I would like to do something as simple as when an item is created, create an item in another board. But as in the first one there are mirror columns i can not do it.


And thought i could solve it adding a column with a formula that column = to the mirror column but formula columns are neither available in the automatation. So I can not create a new item in another board with the same columns!

We are in the final stages of developing an app that might solve some of these use cases. The app will be called “Match-Index-Column” (or MIC for short) and is using this recipe:

The above recipe (in order of the bold words) let you select:

  • a source board (where you want to copy from)
  • a match column in the source board - MATCH
  • a match column in the target board (current board where you add this app to)
  • a source column in the source board (value to copy) - INDEX
  • a column in the current (target) board

The column type in the source and target need to be the same (e.g. numbers, text, status, dropdown). In case of status and dropdown missing labels in the target column will be added automatically. The target column type is a normal monday column and can be used for any automation within monday.

Leave me a message and I will keep you updated when the app is ready for testing.

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I wonder if this is what I am after, or at the very least maybe there is a work around? I have different boards for customer data and for orders placed, if I link the customer to the order, mirror the email - I am not able to utilize the automation of integrations with that mirrored email?

What other options exist without combining all onto one board?

Hi @zacheryy - Welcome to the community! Currently, you cannot natively use a mirrored email column in automations. However, there are two workarounds for this:

  1. Use the VLookup app to avoid using a mirror, and instead push the email address into a native column that can be used for automations. VLookup keeps data in synch across boards without using mirrored columns. You can find it in the App Marketplace here:

  2. Use Integromat to handle any outgoing messages, including Twilio SMS. You can retrieve the mirror column email value using Integromat and then do whatever you need to with it.

If you would like to chat about your monday․com needs in more detail, Polished Geek offers a limited number of no-charge strategy sessions in the community each week. You can book one here: Book a call with Polished Geek: Do more with monday․com


Hi Lisa

What’s the status on this one? We urgently need this feature as it’s an essential one for us. Atm sadly considering changing a system where it’s integrated

Thanks in advance!

What’s the status on the app? :slight_smile:

hi @TRIBEMedia

The app is currently in the marketplace review process. If you want to give it a try please visit 27|Match Index Column - Excellent Team where you can find the detailed document and a “Try me” link.

Happy testing.

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I’m in the process of evaluating Very glad I ran into this limitation while testing, and before purchasing. Subscribing to this thread in case this ever gets addressed.

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This is LITERALLY my exact same workflow! I have the same issue!

I’d love to see these features:

  1. Being able to trigger automations from mirrored status columns.
    a. I’m specifically looking for the ability to move an item into a different group based on a mirrored status.
  2. Even setting up a Kanban view from a mirrored status column would be immensely helpful.

Really, being able to use mirrored columns for all automations would be ideal.


How does this app help? I want to be able to mirror an item on my board as if it was native and automate based on that. How does this function allow for that?

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This app solves the issue that automation on a mirror is not supported. Instead of mirroring this app will copy the contents of a cell in a board to another board (in a column of the same type). So a status column will still be a status column and you can build further automations from there.

Could you explain further? I understood that this works kind of like a vlook up. how does is bring the desired column onto the native board without manually entering something?

Sure, it works more like Match-Index. A recipe in the destination board goes like this:

You define the source board (where the information initially lives) and match column in both source and destination boards. If the information in the match columns (for a particular item) matches the information from the source is copies to the destination. If the information in the source board changes the information will be copied again to the destination board. The app does not make use of mirror columns.

More info can be found here: 27|Match Index Column - Excellent Team

Chiming in to say I have this exact same issue!

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This doesn’t help. If I want an email to auto populate because i mirrored a contact from a different board, this recipe requires that the item on the native board naturally has an identical match to the source board - something that is not likely. Unless I add it each time - ican just add an email column each time too!

hi @Always2Frustrated

I am affraid I don’t understand your exact requirements. If you want a column to fill when you select an item in a connected board the mirror columns is the way to go. However the mirrored column can’t be used in an automation.

I know a partner that has a solution called mirror-to-real. It takes the first mirrored item (i.e. does not support multiple selected items) and copies the content to a real column. The person to ask is @Kimb


Thank you @basdebruin

Hi all, please feel free to reach out to myself via message or email -
We may have a solution for all of you and would happily work together : )

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Hi Lisa,

It’s been over two years since this post - any updates on this? I feel like this should be a core/native feature of monday, and not require a third-party app/purchase for such a feature.
