Join our Beta program for AI automation-blocks!

Hey community :slight_smile:

My name is Shai and I’m a User Experience Researcher at I’m excited to be here!

Our team is currently working on using the power of AI to enhance our automation blocks and we need your feedback to make sure it fits your needs!

If you build automations on monday, we would like to invite you to participate in our beta program for AI automation-blocks.

By joining the beta program, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Gain early access to our efficient AI automation features
  • Shape the future of our automation tools by providing valuable feedback

The beta program will involve testing new AI features and providing feedback about potential improvements. Your input will play a crucial role in shaping the final product!

To express your interest in participating, simply fill in a few details here

Thank you


Will these fully support subitems?

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Hi @anon29275264! Can you please provide more details on the use cases that you would like to be supported?

Well currently when creating automations there are many things that don’t work on subitems that do work on regular items. I would assume is tracking the lack of parity between the two. For example you can’t even create a button on subitems because no when button clicked trigger exists for subitems, so on the UI side creating buttons on subitems isn’t allowed. Purely chicken and egg - if there was a trigger, they’d let us create buttons but nobody will create the trigger because there are no subitem buttons possible. So while all this effort is being put into AI this and that, basic functionality that has been missing for years is ignored. Cannot even trigger on updates created for subitems, or subitems being created in custom automations (and very few built-in automations)

Need the community list all these oversights and shortcomings for the dev teams?


@Shai_monday I’m very interested, but before I submit the form, can you confirm that (if I get approved) the feature will only be accessible by my specific user account and not the whole Monday organization I’m an admin of?

I assume so, but I need to be certain; now would be a bad time for new options to start appearing to all users (they’re still in the newbie stage and it would create confusion.)

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I wholeheartedly support this. It is frustrating that workflows built around items simply will not work with subitems, because of these inconsistencies.

I have been waiting a long time, for example, to be able to automatically create an item in one board and link it to a subitem in another. But this is not possible, as the Connect Boards-columns on the subitems are not available to the relevant automations.

Agree with the challenge. The way want to structure how request are made to another team and connect back is causing many challenges. I was able create an item in a board at the subitem level and need it to connect back to the subitem connect column. I was able to accidently create the logic but was unable to replicate for additional connections. To allow our teams to gain full entitlement out of this tool the ability to generate request and auto connect is a critical component. The alternative is to maintain a very manual process of searching and connecting each item from each board.

Sorry for totally diverting this thread, but I think the feedback is - customers want the basics to be finished and working before “exciting new features” are put out in beta. Some of these gaps are years old.

FWIW I concur. Subitems need so much work.

AI blocks sound interesting, and might help get around some other frustrating limitations of the standard automation tool, but it does feel a little “let’s hurry up and jump on the AI bandwagon”-y.

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Hi! @anon29275264 Thanks for the detailed explanation, I will forward it to automation dedicated team for their reference in the upcoming days

Hi @arf As a beta user, only you will have access to it. The access will be granted through a specific user ID.

thanks @kasperhusted , I will forward it to the dedicated team for their reference in the upcoming days

Thanks @amw , I will forward it to the dedicated team for their reference in the upcoming days