i have a board where i have items as holidays name. the column is the date of the holiday.
i linkage this board to another board (Tasks) and chose all the items of it.
but if i add another column in this Tasks board which is formula type and i just run the command: COUNT({Holidays})
i get 1 as an answer instead of 12.
does anyone know how to fix this?
Hi @eninyo - there is a built-in formula in monday to count the number of connected items within a connected board column. Within the formula dialog, find the connected board column (in this example it’s called “sales”, then expand and select “Count” this enters {Sales#Count} as the formula:
Hope this helps!
thanks! i didn’t know that.
now i have the correct count (or the names).
but i need the dates column.
so i added a mirror column with the list of all dates. how can i count it?the mirror column is actually the date column but with all the dates of all the holiday.
if i run COUNT on it, i get 1
it is not in the list you mentioned above, is there another solution?
Hi @eninyo - what I mentioned above will count the number of items you have connected, so it will be the same number for all columns you are mirroring to the board. If you connected 12 items from the holiday board it should show a count of 12 and 12 different dates (in a timeline) within the board as a summary.
@mark.anley Thanks.
but i’m not looking for the count. it was just a debugging step to my first demand to get the list of dates (which i can use in another function).
now when i do SPLIT({Holidays}) there is only one date i get. i want a list of all dates which is a column in the board of holidays. have any idea how to do it?
Hi @eninyo - I understand now. I am actually not sure how to make that work with a Date column as it returns the value as a timeline which doesn’t split nicely. One option that may work depending on your situation is to store the dates as a Text column rather than a Date. This will immediately return a comma separated string of values into the mirror column with no formula required.
Hope this helps!