Location column support in board filters

We have few clients from the real estate business that use the location column.
The option to filter according to location (city, state, street etc.) is highly important for these clients.
We need Monday filters to support the location column.

Hi Naama,

I’ve good news for you, we’ve recently (actually yesterday) released our monday.com app in the marketplace called Location Toolkit.

One of the features (Location Columnizer) allows you to easily split the location column into separate columns containing only city, street, housenumber, etc for example. Which in its turn allows you to filter on those fields.

Feel free to get in touch if you need more info or want to discuss additional features.

Hope this helps.




I like the idea and the solution!
A buffer of x m from an address as a filter would be awesome. Meanwhile the possibility to filter by postcode is an interesting workaround.

Hi Maaten,

The app look great! i have few missing features before I’ll be able to suggest this to our clients:

  1. The ability to extract street + city.
  2. localization - our clients work in Hebrew, they need the extracted field to be in Hebrew as well.

Thank you!

Hi @naama

Awesome feedback, thanks!

After the holidays (beginning of January) we’ll work on both of your ideas!

Would you like to be able to select the language on account level (so configurable by the admins) or rather on an automation/workflow level?



Thank you very much! waiting for an update.
i think the best way is to take the input language (if I entered Hebrew - use Hebrew, if I entered English - use English etc), if this isn’t possible, i think automation level will be easier to use.

So i have temporary Solution for all of you:

  1. Just Create a Formula Column with code

Make Sure Your Old Location Column is Called “Location”
Now you can apply Filter in this New Column

  1. More Improvised Solution
    Create 4 Formula Columns Named as Country, State, City, Raw
    Below i m pasting codes for these Columns

Country Column Formula:

TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", ""))))))

It will Extract the Last Part From the Location Column ie Country

State Column Formula :

   LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) >= 2, 
       SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), 
       FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) - 1)) + 1, 
       FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")))) - FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) - 1)) - 1
   IF(RIGHT(TRIM(MID( SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1, 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","),  FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1) - FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - 1 
   )),1) = ",", 
       LEFT(TRIM(MID( SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1, 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","),  FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1) - FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - 1 
   )), LEN(TRIM(MID( SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1, 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","),  FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1) - FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - 1 
   ))) - 1),
       TRIM(MID( SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1, 
       FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","),  FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) + 1) - FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - 1 

It will Extract Last 2nd Part of the location which is State in almost all the cases

Raw Column Formula:

  LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) >= 2, 
    FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")))) - 1 
      SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), 
      FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) - 1)) + 1, 
      FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")))) 
        - FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "@", LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) - 1)) - 1
  IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ","), ",", "")) = 1, "", LEFT({Location}, FIND(",", SUBSTITUTE({Location}, "-", ",")) - 1))

It will Extract Everything before the State part, but with some issues like comma in the end, and to refine that further, just create another column

City Column Code:

  LEN({Raw}) > 0,  
  IF(FIND("-", {Raw}) = 0,
    IF(RIGHT(TRIM({Raw}),1)=",", LEFT(TRIM({Raw}), LEN(TRIM({Raw})) - 1), TRIM({Raw})),
    LEFT(TRIM({Raw}), FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(TRIM({Raw}), "-", "@", LEN(TRIM({Raw})) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM({Raw}), "-", "")))) - 1)
  LEN({Raw}) > 0,  
  IF(FIND("-", {Raw}) = 0,
    IF(RIGHT(TRIM({Raw}),1)=",", LEFT(TRIM({Raw}), LEN(TRIM({Raw})) - 1), TRIM({Raw})),
    LEFT(TRIM({Raw}), FIND("@", SUBSTITUTE(TRIM({Raw}), "-", "@", LEN(TRIM({Raw})) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM({Raw}), "-", "")))) - 1)

It will Clean the Raw Column Data

Now we can use these data in the Filters

Also i will appreciate if anyone can improvise this code and paste here so we don’t need to use Raw Column

Hi Kumar,

While this will work for a lot of addresses in the Location Column there’s not fixed format in how monday displays the text value of the Location column.

That’s why we’ve build the Location Toolkit. This app allows you to split a Location column into several columns (even get data that’s not available within the Location column such as State & Postal Code).

And as of now, you can also choose in which language you would like those address components to be extracted so you can localize/standardize country or city names for example.

Take a look at the marketplace page for Location Toolkit and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or questions!

