HI Everyone,
I’m trying to make a master board that has all my subitems on all my boards. My goal is to make a master dashboard, master calendar and master kanban based on status and priority. How can I go about doing this? I’ve been searching but can’t find an answer. Thanks very much in advance.
Hey Gabe,
It sounds like you’re interested in creating a high level board that is connected to those low-level boards, in the form of subitems.
It is possible to utilise the connect board and mirror column to connect items from across your low level boards into the subitems of your high level board, however depending on your desired workflow, this may not be the most practical approach.
Let me know if I am misunderstanding!
Dear gade
We can help you for created and make a master board that has all my subitems on all my boards. My goal is to make a master dashboard, master calendar and master kanban based on status and priority. How can I go about doing this? I’ve been searching but can’t find an answer. Thanks very much in advance.
we are a expertise fo make.com zapier and modnay.com and other platform kindly mail me your requirments sachin.karma@growwstacks.com
Thanks so much for your reply Bianca. I’m looking for something a little different. Currently I have all my clients on a separate board. All the projects for that client are on that board with items that need to be done for those projects. The items summarize the subitems which are the individual tasks. I’d like to create a master board that has all the subitems on a list and each item on the master board has the board name, project name, subitem, start date, due date, status and priority that is mirrored from the individual boards. This way I can create a master kanban. I’m not sure this is possible though.
Thanks but would prefer to learn to do this myself.
Hello @gfroh
Not sure if this can be of use to you, but if you can have a master board with all the main items connected, you can also mirror all subitem column values to the main item, so you can have that connected as well.
Otherwise, not really sure what you are requesting is possible. I would suggest looking into your use case infrastructure, and how you might amend it to fit your needs.
Giannis, Implementation Consultant at thespelas.com
Thanks Giannis! I’m slowly learning about mirroring but not sure I’m doing it well on subitems.
Thank you for explaining Gabe!
I think I am understanding, that said, in order to list those subitems from the origin board, you’d still need to connect them to a native item or subitem in that master board, and mirror the associated data… I am afraid it isn’t possible to create list of those subitems without connecting them to those native items/subitems. My apologise if I’ve misunderstood!!
Thanks Bianca, I really appreciate it.
The issue I have with using mirror columns that i can’t automate my smaller boards because mirror columns aren’t a value for automations, and what i have to do is have 100+ automations on the master board and it gets really messy especially that there is no folders in automations to sort through them if i want to make a change.
Have you tried a dashboard?
I use a dashboard to pull all my boards and their subitems together. You can filter what info appears and what boards appear on a dashboard. You can also filter how you view the info. If you make changes to something in the dashboard the changes appear on the original board without requiring mirroring.
@gfroh have you solved this yet? We have an app called Master Data that syncs items and sub-items from Source Boards to Master Boards AS item level, so I believe you will be able to achieve this with it. It starts at $10/month on an annual sub, and $15 a month on monthly. It also has a 2 week free trial. Am happy to run you through set up too.
Our app page on our website is here: Master Data - Mint Consulting
You can book in with me here: https://calendar.app.google/JximnTsXxFbJsdJeA
Here is the app listing on the monday marketplace: https://monday.com/marketplace/listing/10000552/master-data