Mirror subitem from one board to subitem in another board

Hi all, I am trying to connect subitems from one board to the subitems on another board so as to mirror columns but it seems that’s not currently possible. I am only able to link subitems from a board to the items in another board & vice versa.

Can we please add the subitem mirroring feature to the pipeline? Thanks.

Hi there,

We sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to this thread! We are working on improving our responsiveness to the community, particularly our feature request process so appreciate your patience in advance!

On that note, as we pull together all the votes associated with this topic, we would love if you can redirect the votes on this thread, to the primary thread (most voted) here: Really need to mirror subitems across boards, as we plan to close this thread so we have we have all the votes in one, and can better prioritise this feature request based upon the total amount of votes :pray:

Thank you!

It sounds like this has been brought up many times before, but this is almost a show stopper for us.

We really need a way to mirror subitems - or be able to put a board in two locations at once as a whole.

I was busy mirroring boards and then realized the subitems were not there! What use is it, then?


Agreed! This would be absolutely crucial for our workflow. Please add this feature! :crossed_fingers:


+1 can we please get this? The current feature with mirroring subitems with other tasks is kind of useless. Would like to be able to mirror subitems across boards instead

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This would be a game changer for us. Linking master items to sub items across different boards is critical.

Agreed! This would be highly beneficial to my team’s workflow as well.

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well.

One of my colleagues find a workaround here :

He was able to link the sub items to a main item in another board.

Hope this helps,



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In the same boat. Asana does this seamlessly so it’s incredibly frustrating after going through all the effort of setting up mirroring to realise that subitems screw up the workflow. Unfortunately the workaround doesn’t work for our workflow either as I’m using a board to mirror tasks assigned to me from 4 other boards which change frequently.


This would be very helpful for my daily work. If someone got other solutions please let me know!

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the able to link /connect mirror from sub item to item in another board is existing, but there isn’t solution to to link /connect mirror from sub item to subitem from another boards

Having the ability to mirror subitems from one board to another on different workspaces would help our organization out a lot - it would decrease duplicate work and help us collaborate across various teams

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I really don’t understand why the subitems cant be made to operate just like items. this should include telescoping subitems and mirroring from subitem on one board to subitems on another. I’ve had to create really messy boards with tons of 2 way mirroring to try to fulfil my needs with this. and it’s far from ideal as my projects scale

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we urgently need the possibility to mirror subitems to other boards. otherwise we would have to rethink our complete workflow with monday or even consider abandoning monday. please do something here!

I really hope they are working on this. We have a workflow that could really benefit from subitem mirroring to keep people up-to-date on changing deadlines, etc.

I just want to very simply mirror sub items to another board. the reason is we are in construction and ordering a lot of product for multiple products. For example ill order 1000 kitchen faucets and they are being shipped to 5 different projects. So i just want to account for each projects needs by mirroring the factory order to the projects boards.

This allows us to create a more robust logistics plan and keeps us from over/under ordering at a glance.

Hey Bernardo,

Thanks for your feature request :pray:

Can you let me know if your request is addressed in the existing feature request here? If so, we can go ahead and merge the 2 requests to consolidate votes and put greater emphasis on this need!

Let me know!

Please add the ability to mirror subitem columns on connected boards.

It looks like you can mirror item columns. You can create items on a different board from subitem status changes but you can only mirror the main item columns to the connected board.

I would like to be able to mirror subtasks in our boards as that’s primarily how we work.

We really need this too, as a project manager I end up having to do twice the work updating all our boards for the same project. Some information is sensitive such as cost but its the same project and subitems.

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