It would be great to be able to @mention items in the same board when typing updates. In my use case, on a high level board, we might be typing updates on a project but mention something about another related project. It would be cool to have the @mention so it created a link you could follow right from the update.
This is possible in Main Boards and it’s indeed a great feature. It’s not possible in other types of boards (shareble and private ones), from my experience but I cannot find more on this online, have only identified from experience. I am a Pro user. Perhaps there is a differentiation in the plan features as well.
Agreed! This is a feature I use multiple times a day on Main Boards, however it is very frustrating that it is not available on a Shared board. This is another example of a very basic feature that Monday is lacking (something you assume would be available).
I understand that visibility to other items/boards may be limited for users on a Shared board, however I should be able to - at minimum - tag other items from the same board.
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