I would like to be able to merge “like” or similar pulses within a board. We use Monday.com to log projects and with multiple users, sometimes we’re calling the same project similar titles. I’ll see a lot of duplicates and I’ll want to merge these pulses (with their accompanying comments, documents, sublists, etc.). I’m imagining a merge feature which checks with me as it merges pulses ("you’re sure you want to do this and attach the following documents, etc.?).
This would be so useful for me too!
As a use case, I currently have a board for onboarding new sponsors with all of the project management status’ and it would be nice to be able to collect invoicing information on the same board via the form functionality. That would create a new pulse which I’d like to merge with the existing one to have everything in the same place.
merge pulses please thank you
You can now merge items using the Duplicates and Uniques app. Just select your interested columns and select the “Merge” option. The “Merge” option is very versatile and allows you to merge your items just the way you want it. You can save your settings as a template so that items are automatically merged.
Read more about the app in the community post here.
You can contact us at support@kolaai.com should you have any questions.
I’m curious if Monday.com will be implementing any native pulse/item-merge capabilities. As a non-profit, adding another cost-bearing app is prohibitive especially given Kolaai’s steep monthly cost.
Would also be very useful for us. However, for other reasons.
Among other things, we use monday.com as an IT incident management system. One function i know from other corresponding solutions and which i miss painfully in monday.com is merging.
Use Case:
A system / service / whatever is no longer running correctly and the affected users writing incidents (pulses) to the IT helpdesk. Thus, several incidents (pulses) arrive for the same problem.
The IT supporter then marks the corresponding incidents and merges them into a “problem-incident”. The supporter solves the problem, writes the solution in the “problem-incident” and then closes the “problem-incident”.
All merged user incidents are then closed together with the “problem-incident” automatically and all receive the same response (resolution text) from the “problem-incident”.
To take this suggestion a bit further, it would also be practical if such “problem-incidents” could be made public in some automated way (e.g. on the intranet) to avoid further user incidents on the same topic.
Hello @ll4mat,
Using the aforementioned Duplicates and Uniques app, the supporter may not need to mark them. The app will merge the issues automatically. You can determine how you want the issues to be merged when creating the template. For example, you can allow some of the values to be replaced, some to remain, others to be replaced only if empty, others to joined together with existing values, etc.
Here is an example of how:
If you have any question, you can reach out to us at support@kolaai.com