for Managing Custom Recipes

Hello everyone,

I’m Pedro, I am a referral partner and project manager who supports companies implementing and providing consultation and training.

One of the best features of is the possibility to use automations to create complex workflows reducing the manual steps and connecting boards between them. Since a few days ago, you can now create your own automations “custom recipes”.

To create them you have to select the each of the subsequent actions to construct your own automation.

There are a lot of possible combinations, some of them are already part of the default automations list and there are also many new combinations (20 approx.) that will provide more options for automating processes. Here there are some of the new automations I find most useful:

  • When status changes from something to something create a group. It can create groups in more specific use cases.
  • When person is assigned change status to something. This option is very suitable to initiate a task with a default status just assigning the responsible.
  • When column changes change status to something. It can be used to monitor columns and change status accordingly.

To ensure I can repeat the same automation, for the moment they are not saved across the account, I have created a table that have also help me to identify all the possible new combinations.

The table basically gathers the required steps for creating each custom integration and some space for annotating the possible use cases for each new combination.
You can find hereafter all the possible new custom recipes:

When status changes to…

When status changes from…

When person is assigned…

When date arrives…

When column changes…

When date arrives (schedule)…

I hope it may serve as inspiration for managing custom recipes with Feel free to comment if you miss any new custom recipe and what is your preferred one.
You can contact me if you need additional details about how to implement this process.



@PedroM o, good one!

I have submitted a feature request, we need incluided formula columns in this recipes (normal or custom). If not, there are no chances to do some logical operations to do some required actions…

What you think about.

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Yes, formulas would be also great.

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Do you have a copy of this board that you can share with us? I would love to have a copy of this…