Monday docs carrying over in board to board movement


I have come across an issue where I am moving an item from board A > board B.

Board A has a “monday Doc” column
Board B does too. (Same Name)

When I am doing a ‘move to board’ automation, I don’t see the ‘monday Doc’ field as an option of where to put it.

The monday doc does get transferred in this case but I have no control over where it goes if there are multiple mondayDoc columns on board B.

On top of that – If there is no ‘monday Doc’ column in board B, the file does not get transferred with the item and is no longer viewable. Where did it go? Please let me know if this is a bug or there is functionality that I am not aware of.

Thanks in advance!



Hello @DrewBeFree !

I believe I know what your problem is.

Relatively recently monday created a separate column for monday docs , which is different from the files column ( files column can “have” any file,while the monday docs is only for monday docs).

When creating an automation like you did, it only allows you to transfer files from-and-to file columns.

To be honest, I am not sure if this is intended and this change has yet to be implemented, perhaps @BiancaT can shed some light on this :slight_smile: .

Hope this helps!
Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

Hi! I am actually running into the same issue. We have a template doc that we want to use across projects and when embedding it as a “file” it takes too many steps to get to the template. Would love to be able to transfer a monday doc across boards

This is a pretty significant bottleneck if not fixed. Curious where the team is with this. Any updates @BiancaT? Thanks!

I hear you! Let me check in with our team internally about this and about you all :pray:

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Thank you for your patience everyone!

I have been in discussion with our developers team and can confirm that we are experiencing a known issues when carrying docs over when moving items across boards. Our team is investigating and working towards a fix. I will keep you all updated as more information is shared with me :pray:

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to check in on this - are you still experiencing issues including docs in cross-board automations? Thank you!

yep! would be super useful to have this

Thanks for getting back to me!

At this time it appears docs aren’t supported in cross board automations - specifically moving items across boards with docs. I apologise for the setback and have share this feedback with the internal team :pray:

That said, our team is still investigating the movement of files in docs columns during cross board automations - it appears this still is an issue. I will continue to keep you updated on this as we work towards a resolution. Thank you for bearing with us!

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Chiming in with a hearty “ME TOO!”

I’m building a complex request intake and routing system that involves the creation and population of a Monday Doc (using the Monday Doc column type and an existing template) and I need that doc to stay with the item when I move it to the appropriate board(s)!

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There is a workaround - though, not a great one.

If you use the automation create item in board & connect boards, you can get the doc to show up in both boards. Great as you can edit both and should both update.

However, this has started being buggy for us in 2024. Starting basically at the start of this year, oddly enough.

Regardless, it’s a real disappointment that this feature isn’t implemented. It is a big feature for us and is what has made me consider a Monday competitor. Would really love to see this implemented.


Jumping in to also say my team needs this feature! We’ve integrated mondayDocs into our project KO process to capture all of our project info, which has been super helpful! Only learned after the process was launched that once the project moves to a new board, all that info is lost - not in the trash, just totally goes away. We’re hoping this issue gets fixed so that we can use it in a similar way for other teams. @BiancaT please keep us posted with any updates! Thanks!!


Good Morning

I would support this request also. It would be highly beneficial to be able to move work docs from one board to another. It would allow cross functional collaboration within Monday rather than using work docs outside of the platform. I am try to find ways to continue adoption with the platform and this hinders my co-workers from fully embracing the move into @BiancaT has there been any updates on this feature?

Hi everybody,
I encounter the same problem as you. I look forward for this problem to be resolved

Hello everybody,

We have exactly the same problem, so I support this request too.

I am seeing the same issues as those listed here. Not being able to move docs between boards is killing us.

Possible solution.

I found through trial and error that if I automate the item to move (or be created in another board) at the same time as the files were added to the file field(s), it cased those files to not move.

So, my work around was to schedule the move to later in the day (overnight at 11:59pm). So, I set a date automation when the trigger occurred, and then created an automation to move the item on that date at 11:59pm. I tested this and all of the files moved with the item.