More colors in status column

Bang on! This would be amazing and would align the colour schemes to our branding colours. Voted!

Can someone chime in on the difficulty to add more colors or a color picker? It seems like a lightweight add that would be a welcome addition.

Or does someone know of a Marketplace App that would add this functionality? I like Monday, but it feels like a Frankensteinā€™s monster of work arounds and add-ons.

I agree. We need more colors (labels)! There are times I am forced to use a multi-select column because the single-select doesnā€™t have enough label/color options. Unfortunately, you canā€™t run automations when an item is created based on multi-select columns, so Iā€™m stuck doing manual work. Itā€™s very frustrating.

It is essential that you add new colors to create new labels in the ā€œStatusā€ column. Interrupting certain uses of columns due to lack of resources is like suspending internal productivity which, in theory, is something simple for the team to resolve.

If you consider our opinion important, do so and we will have more positive results. Thank you Monday, I love you!

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If the issue is color palette options, consider an alternative way to solve the problem. The real issue is we need single select columns with more than 40 options - and we probably arenā€™t using it as a status at that point. In all honesty, in this situation the colors probably have no connection to the selections being made. So maybe a new type of column (Single Select - Grayscale) would make more sense.

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This is honestly a must for me.

The biggest thing for me is that I need to easily tell what status something is at a glance because I have sooo much stuff. With the current color palatte, some of the colors are so similar that the ones I need to stand out to get my attention are just blending in with the next few items.

Having a color picker would honestly be the absolute best option for everyone I think.

I also have the need for more than 40 status labels. For example we use boards for in-network payer status and also have a salesforce integration so we are limited to types of columns we can use and have well over 40 different payers.

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Status label values should go up to allow 100 or 200 or moreā€¦
We use these for helping users pick Customer names & Project names (from a curated listing rather than having to type them). I want to use a drop-down choice and not free-text typing.

40 should not be a limit anymore with mondayDB now advertising x improved capacity, speed, etc.

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