"Move Item" Automation - Files don't work D:


I hope whoever is reading this is doing well :slight_smile:

To cut to the chase - when you select an individual item from a board and click “move”>“move to board” you can move the item with all its data to another board. lovely! files move too!

However, when you use an automation such as “when status changes to X → move item to Board” all the data is transferrable except for files :tired_face:

Is this something that can change? So that when you set up a “move item” automation to another board the existing file in the file column can move to the file column in the end board? Let me know if I can clarify and thank you in advance! This would be a MAJOR asset to our team! :slight_smile:


This used to work but has recently stopped. We’ve been moving files from board to board after a status change for a year or so but it has suddently stopped.

please help Monday.com


So it’s not an ideal solution, as it utilises the external tool Integromat, but this is possible and I use it at the moment.

The process is:

  1. Status change triggers a webhook
  2. Integromat gathers the items information including the public URL for the files
  3. Integromat creates a new item on the board you choose using the information from step 2
  4. Integromat uploads the file to the new item
  5. Integromat deletes the original item.

It gets complicated if there are multiple files and it doesn’t bring across updates/replies so it will depend on your exact requirements. At the moment we use something very similar to move files from a hub down to linked items on client boards when a status is changed.

@BiancaT Do you know more about what and why?

Hey everyone,

Sorry you’re encountering this issue :pray:

I am afraid this is a known bug that our team is aware of internally. I have requested if there’s any information on plans to resolve this. From my understanding, this isn’t currently a priority for the team due to more severe issues being looked into but I will do my best to advocate for a fix!

Hi Bianca,

Would love to be kept in the loop on that one as well as it is quite problematic for us.


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It’s almost November 2024 now, same problem on my end. Made a board with a series of items templates that needed to be frequently repeated, with specific Monday work Docs. Tried an automation that creates the item in Board B a button is clicked on a item on Board A, and then another one that duplicates the item on Board A first, then moves it to board B.

In both cases, the file/work doc in the “files” columns that are mapped to each other during the item creation or “Move to board” options lose their attached file.

The only way to do it is to manually move the item from Board A to board B. Monday.com please fix this, it’s a bug that makes the difference between a flow taking taking 1 step or taking 7-9 steps.