Multi-Board Mirror

I’m glad it’s working well :slight_smile: At the moment, this is expected behavior with regard to summaries of a mirrored column.

If you’d like, you can open up a new thread in Feature requests/feedback (tips on how to submit a feature request) and others in the community would be able to vote for this to help garner support for our team to consider as we continue to improve the platform.


Hi @AronK can please add at

thank you

Hi @AronK, this would be of great use to our team at Could you add it for us?

Thank you!

Hi @AronK, please add us to:

Thank you for your time!

Hi @AronK ,
Could you please add this for:

@Jaewoo @simon_blinno @denisjocic @Serihouse all set here! Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.

@AronK Can you add this feature for me as well plz?


@AronK Can this feature be added to ?

All set here @Ashleigh + @pedro.ibr! Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.

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@AronK Can you please add this feature to ? Thank you so much!

@AronK can you please add - thanks!

@AronK , could you please add this to my account :


@Shouston @tara @Jamesmackle You should now be all set! Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.

@AronK Couple you please add our account as well! Thanks :smiley:

Thanks! Amazing - I have been waiting for this feature for a long time.

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@AronK could you please add this to our account too? Thank you!

All set here @eric.goodenough @larissa! Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.

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Thanks @AronK! Do you know if we can select multiple items at once (i.e. either the whole board or group of items)? Currently after adding a board, I have to select every item individually for the task in the “connect boards” column


@larissa great question! At this time we do not have a way to select multiple items at once. I do know it’s a pain point that others have as well and this has been passed along to our team as feedback for them to review. Thank you for sharing :slight_smile: .

Can you add us also? @AronK