Suggestion - the mirrored board will be able to be connected only to a specific group in the connected board

After connecting a board to an item in a “high level board” - we add mirroring columns.
It will be very efficient if I would be able to choose if the mirrored column will take data from all the board or only from a specific group in the board.
Once choosing a whole board or a specific group, every new item will be added automatically to the connection.

THIS ^^ is a massive benefit to organizations that need to roll-up based on status/grouping. We have been discussing this need and have been looking at alternative solutions to do this given Monday’s limitations.

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Hi @DuncanGoode @Shani
Amber here from the Product team.
Could you please elaborate on your use cases?

Do you mean that you would want items in certain groups to automatically connect to certain items on another board (Board B)?
What would these groups be? What would the different items on Board B be?

We would like to use it this way:

On the lower-level board, which we connect to the higher-level board, we want to display on the higher-level board only information in the mirror column from group X (new projects), but not to display information from group Y (projects in progress) and group Z (completed projects). ).