Multi-Board Mirror

@AronK I’m curious… What’s your reason for not releasing this feature to everyone now?

Anyway, can you add

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Hi @AronK, could you please add this feature to too please? Thanks!

Hey @AronK, thanks for this, we absolutely need it! :star_struck: here is our workspace:

Hi @AronK,
please add this amazing feature to

THANKS! :star_struck:

@chrisonmonday @TIKTAL @Katie_SQUID @TheOtherPM @gleghorn

All set here! Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.

@TheOtherPM to answer your question on why this has not been released to everyone yet, we are still working through certain support or unexpected behavior. If you experience any thing out of the ordinary or something that is unexpected, please email to let them know so that our developers can identify if this is something they are already working on or if it’s something new.

Hey @AronK would you be able to add as well please? :slight_smile: thank you in advance!

you don’t understand…
This is a GAME CHANGER for us
Thank you!


Hi @sarah1, all set here :slight_smile: Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.

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What makes this such a game changer for you? I’m struggling to figure out how to use it, even though I can see it must have potential!

Will triggering automations based on mirrored statuses work? I noticed it doesn’t and @PolishedGeek also mentionned it didn’t work completely back in May.

We and many of our clients have been using this for a while now, it works great! One thing to be aware of, however, is that the new update to the Automations that let you trigger from a Mirrored Status change will NOT fully work yet with a multi-mirrored scenario. The Automation will only trigger off values from the first board you linked and mirrored, not any of the others boards. It’s a tricky one, because if you set it up and test but happen to test with a mirrored value from the first board you linked, you’ll think it works just fine. So be aware these two don’t play nicely together, at least not yet.

Hi, @AronK Please add this feature for our team Beyondmo-team . Thanks!

Can you also add us please


Sorry forgot to mention @AronK will you please add


Hello @AronK , could you please add this function to our board?

Thank you very much,


@carlbennett07 @kimbdid @Nicolas all set here :slight_smile: Please be sure to refresh, add a new connect boards column and mirror column(s) and let me know if you run into any issues.


Hi @AronK,

My team has created an overview board to help us keep up with what our individual departments are doing weekly and I’m trying to figure out if I can duplicate items from everyone’s individual boards so they populate automatically on the overview board in their respective groups (without deleting it from their individual board).

Would this new feature accomplish that? Thank you!

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Hi! I think so - take a look at this video and let me know if I understood correctly :slight_smile:

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Yes, this is so helpful, thank you!!! @AronK

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Hi, @AronK can I get this feature added to Also - the Loom videos you’ve ref don’t seem to be working? When I open the links, there is no content.


Hey @AronK,
could you add that to our account as well?
Thanks in advance! :slight_smile: