My Work as a Gantt Chart

We’ve been utilizing the “My Work” feature extensively and appreciate the streamlined overview it provides. However, we believe its functionality could be significantly enhanced with the addition of a Gantt chart or timeline view option.

Having the ability to visualize our to-do list in a Gantt chart or timeline format would provide us with a clearer understanding of our processes and schedules. This feature would be particularly useful for tracking deadlines and dependencies, allowing us to manage our workload more effectively and plan our time with greater precision.

We feel that integrating such a view into the “My Work” section would be a valuable tool for not only our team but many other users of who manage complex projects with multiple tasks and tight deadlines.

The My Work section is gtting better but it doesn’t allow an understanding of work for a user across multiple projects and work flows of their timeline, calendar or Gantt. This is where we want to get to for our company.

At the moment we have had to use “Same item multiple boards” add-on to duplicate tasks into each users main work flow so they can view all their tasks as a calendar, timeline and Gantt.

Please help by upvoting this amazing Feature request.