The My Work view would be greatly improved by adding the “Priority” Column and allowing sorting by criteria other than date. A Customer Experience Rep suggested a workaround, adding an additional Status column with customized status labels determining the priority of the tasks, but this seems like a lot of extra and unneccesary work. I purchased and am currently using the third-party Combined Board View app, which does this well. It just seems that if you’re going to offer a view across boards, then Priority should be an available column in that view and sorting or filtering should be allowed.
Yes. My team is using Monday for limited purposes right now. I’m holding out on migrating more processes and adding users until a view like this is available. I’m able to achieve the priority sorting I need in Google sheets with some queries, but I’d rather use Monday for its UI and other conveniences. But each team member seeing their own tasks sorted by priority across boards is non-negotiable, and I can’t justify investment in 3rd-party products or upgrades when Google already does it.
I think the real limitation here is that you can only have one status column and one date column in the my work view. I want to be able to see both status and priority. This shouldn’t need to be a workaround, customizing the view of my work should be a fairly easy capability using similar functionality as works on Dashboards.
My work is a great idea, bringing all your tasks together in one place, but it is a bit frustrating that the most critical measures to prioritize my work day can’t be visibility at the same time. You can have a data and a priority or a data and the status only. Not having a date, status and priority loses a lot of value of the my work screen.
As this request has been around for years in one form or other and it hasn’t been implemented yet I guess it’s unlikely to come anytime soon. Assume it’s probably a more complex to implement than it superficially appears.
I would like to sort not only by priority but by other criteria (Group comes to mind). It would be very helpful to the tasks assigned to today in a manner that fit the way the user was utilizing the tool.