New feature: What will the advanced sub-item filters support?

This feature shows as coming out in Q1 2022: It’s called “Support sub-items in advanced filter.”

Does anyone know if that will apply to Charts and Dashboards as well?? Are the same filters (same code basically) applied in both places?

Learned about this from this thread: Reporting on Subitems


Found this feature request too: Dashboards using sub-items

@cryptomark, sadly this feature has been on their Road Map since at least Q4 2020… I have been waiting FOREVER for this and it’s still not here :frowning: It seems like an ever moving goal post on this one. I need this SOOO BAD!

Please Monday people, get this one released!!


I really need this feature as well, it would such an improvement for my team, we’re using subitems a lot and it could improve the view and the usability of monday for the whole team !


If you want to watch the Status with bated breath, it’s right here: Subitems Product Plan

Hey everyone, Orit here from monday! I’m a customer experience specialist, working closely with the product team who is in charge of the board appearance and functionalities. :slight_smile:
I’m happy to share that we’re in the final stages of development of the option to filter subitems. We’re planning to gradually release it in the next few months.


Hi Orit! Can I get early access to this? I’m ready!

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Hey there, please reach out to our support team, and they will check if your account meets the qualifications.

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