Hi all,
Pretty new to Monday so probably missing something.
I’ve got an automation setup to notify a team when a new item has been created within the board. However, it seems like you have to add an item title first and essentially publish that before you can add the other item details.
The problem I’m having is the notification contains other details other than the item title and board name. As the automation fires as soon as the item is created so it doesn’t contain all the information (because the item doesn’t contain the information at the point of when the automation fires).
Hope that makes sense.
Many thanks
Hey @fin.mulholland ,
Great question! What kinds of details were you hoping to have in the item and notification? Have you already checked out automations like this to have the team member/status automatically set up whenever you create an item?
I already have the automation working OK. I’ve amended the notification to include the tile of the item, board name, URL and name of the person it was created by.
However because the automation fires after the title is created the notification doesn’t include the URL or the person, it’s just blank.
Many thanks
Hey @fin.mulholland! Would you be able to have it trigger off of a different action perhaps? For example, assigning this team in a People column for new items or a particular status change?
Both assigning a team and setting the status for a new item can be done using the automations that Taila suggested! This would save you some time by having a chain of automations doing the work for you
Hi, yes that makes sense thanks, I will give that a go! Thanks all for the help.
Fin Mulholland
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