Admins can now grant board members permission to add or create docs on the item level, regardless of whether they’re workspace members
In the past, when we first introduced role-based permissions, users were provided no clear explanation as to why they lost the ability to create docs in items. With this update, admins will have control over these permissions, clarifying who has access to this functionality.
The permission is accessible for admins on both account and workspace levels so that the option can be enabled for every board member or just for specific workspaces.
Improved collaboration across different departments and teams.
Increased efficiency resulting from a decrease in manual intervention when adjusting permissions.
Improved flexibility for admins when tailoring the level of access across workspaces for board members.
Hey @pamela.carlin! This feature is currently still in gradual release, however I’ve followed up for an update on when users should expect to see this in their account. I will circle back here once I have more info
Hey @pamela.carlin, thanks for your patience! I have had confirmation from the developers that this feature will be fully released by the end of this week
Thank you Bianca,
I would especially like to know if it is possible to block a shared access from mentioning other shared accesses?
The objectif of the board is to invite customers who should not know if there are other customers on the same board.
I would activate the entreprise function “Consult only the elements for which the users are responsible…” But I think it will not block the mentions?