On iPad, can't see the entire line


We have production’s board where all customer order are detailed. The details of each order is written into our Description’s column.

When I’m working on my computer, everything works perfectly fine.
When we working on Ipad with the Monday app, it seems that it’s impossible to see the whole Description’s column. I see a part of it, but the Description is often longer then what we can actually see. How could I fix this issue?

Thank you all!


Hey @eugeniematelasselect ! Would you mind writing into support@monday.com and include screenshots of this issue? I’d like our team to see this and be sure it gets reported to our developers if needed. Here’s how you can submit a report directly from the mobile app: Mobile app - Have questions? Find answers!

Hello Lindsay,

The problem seems to be solved. I didn’t get any problems since then.
Unfortunatly, i didn’t took screen shot of the issues. But if ever, I will and send it to the support’s team.

Thank you.


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