Passing URL parameter to a form

Hi, does anyone know if it’s possible to link to a form and pass it parameters in the URL so that certain fields on the form can get pre-populated?

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Not to my knowledge but on my list of submitted requests.

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Hi @ruskyAU :wave:

This is not something that’s form function currently supports. But, wow, what a great addition this would be! Happy to pass your feedback along to the team here :slight_smile:

In the meantime, there’s not a way to pre-populate form data, it will need to be entirely filled in by the person filling out the form.



Hey @ruskyAU!

Just wanted to make sure you know that you can partially pre-populate data by using a Form URL based on the Group that the items end up in. Since you can control the exact Group a Form will send its submissions to in the settings, you could also create multiple Form views and set up automations or API triggers based on the item being created in a certain group:

I’d simply duplicate the Form that works for you, and then change the groups that the items end up in:

It’s a bit convoluted I suppose, but it can help get to the end result you’re looking for :slight_smile:


Hi @AlexSavchuk,

Thanks for the idea. I’m not sure that what you’ve suggested will work for me. We really only want to publish the one form on a website and have everyone use the same form.

What I’m really looking for is being able to place parameters in the URL that links to the form so that we can pre-populate certain fields on the form as it loads.

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Thank you for getting back to me and that makes total sense - the approach I’ve suggested is indeed a bit time-consuming and can lead to extra confusion from a user perspective. That said, I’m afraid we do not provide the feature you are looking for currently, but we’ve made sure our product team is aware of the suggestion - it’s an awesome improvement opportunity. Thank you for that!
