Paysaro - Invoices, Quotes, Estimates etc using items right from your monday board

Introducing Paysaro, a app that enables you to create invoices, quotes, estimates, etc either manually or using items right from your boards. No need connecting several tools to create invoices from your items.

Some of the apps features include:
:white_check_mark: Select items from your board into your invoice
:white_check_mark: Select items from connected boards
:white_check_mark: Multi-language support. Edit any field so that means, you can input your preferred language.
:white_check_mark: Choose your preferred date format.
:white_check_mark: Download high quality pdfs.
:white_check_mark: And so much more…!

We are still adding more features to the app, so to try it out, please fill out this form to help us understand what we should prioritize on. You will be given the link to the app right after filling the form.
If you have any questions, you can always reach out at

Hey @kolaai :wave:

That’s pretty awesome, and a highly requested feature set, in my experience :slight_smile: I’m glad your app is able to offer this, I’m sure this will be useful to lots of teams using

Thanks for sharing and good luck!


Hello @AlexSavchuk,
Thank you for the kind words. We are also confident that, it will be a very useful tool for teams to reach their full potential in

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Hi! when this will be avaliable in marketplace?

Hello @hlopezvc ,

Thank you for your interest in the app. We have currently submitted the app for review to be placed in the marketplace. Once this is complete, the app will be available from the marketplace. If you have any question or suggestion, you can always reach out at :slight_smile:

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Hi @kolaai
as a feature request, maybe is better to have the options to select another board to pick items to include in the invoice (in order to have a invoice board, and another items to invoice board). Actually the items must be in the same board you make the invoices, or a connected one.

Hello @hlopezvc,
Great suggestion. Will be looking into that for future versions.

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Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Paysaro is now available on the marketplace. :tada::clap::sparkles:
You can download it here

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