Populate columns based on Location column input/update

I am trying to figure out how to overcome the issue with Location column being not provided as an input in Formula column and automatically update/populate other columns based on its value. One probably obvious idea is to somehow copy the value from the Location column in a text column within the same item and continue from there.
Can I do this copy completely within Monday, and if so, how? Or, please suggest possible ways(s) to do this.
Thank you very much!

Hi @Bibi -

Happy to see if we can help! Can you give us a bit more detail and perhaps screenshots of your board so we can see what you’d like to accomplish?

My first instinct is to recommend the General Caster app which would allow you to cast values from one column to another, but I am not entirely sure if that would solve your issue.

Let us know a bit more and we can go from there!

Hi there,

Would love to further understand the use case, but it does sound like transitioning this to a text column would give you more options as the location column is not available for formulas. You can change a column type here: https://support.monday.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001435899-How-to-Change-a-Column-Type?abcb=91060


Hi Emily,
Thank you for the response.
*Update of my previous response to you:
The answer is no instead of yes- I don’t know why I was in such a confusion. I am looking for an automated update of a Text column with the change of the value/data of a Location column. For now I will have to use a custom trigger-action for that.
Apologies for the inconvenience *
Best regards :slight_smile:

Hi @JEDuvall,
Thank you for the response and the suggestion.
Update on my previous response to you:
Emily’s suggestion is not what I was looking for - I don’t know why I was in such a confusion. I am looking for an automated update of a text column with the value/data of a Location column. For now I will have to use a custom trigger-action for that.
… but I will take a look at yours too for future possible needs/cases.
Best regards

So glad to hear that was helpful! @emilyw-monday.com is the best!

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