Resource Driven Scheduling


Does Monday have the ability for me to allocate several resources to tasks and see the duration of tasks modified (i.e. shortened) based on more than one person doing the task? On top of this, can Monday alter the time of a task based on the availability of a resource to a project? For example, resource A is only assigned 50% to the project so the duration of a task is therefore twice as long.


Hey Peter,

It sounds like our Workload view/widget might be what you’re looking. Had you explored this particular feature?

The support article will explain in the most detail so I do recommend you having a read however you are able to assign effort to each task, while also assigning more than one person. Additionally, based on the effort you assign to the task for each person, this will identify assignees availability for that week to guide future resourcing and scheduling!

Hi Bianca,

I’m aware of the workload widget, but no, this doesn’t solve my issue. That works fine for when ONE resource is assigned to a task, but often I have multiple people working on a task, as they are each doing subtasks of the main task. Perhaps the widget can report at the subtask level, but where I have a mixture of both (i.e. tasks with and without subtasks), will the Workload widget assist in this scenario?
