Restrict edit access on a locked column to specific users, not all/only owners of the board

Currently if you restrict a column, any owner of a board can add additional dropdowns etc. We want to be able to restrict this further, so that potentially only one person can edit the options of a column.

Though many users may need ownership access of a board, we don’t want them all to be able to add additional options to some columns as it has lead to duplication of inputs with slightly different namings.

Hey Amber,

If I am understanding correctly, only the owner of the specific board should be able to apply edits to the column if column permissions are in place.

To clarify, owners from other boards are able to make changes to columns with set permissions? Can you confirm they haven’t been included in column permissions? Thank you!

Hi Bianca, the issue is we don’t want ALL owners to be able to edit a column.

Understood Amber, thanks for clarifying! All owners of boards will be able to manage the column permissions - I will share your comments with the internal team :pray: