Setting a due date based on an event date-minus 7

I would love to Automate a due date for a project that is based on an Event Date - Minus 7 days (for example). I have an automation that creates a new item in this project when another board is set to complete. It can pull in the Event Date just fine but what I want to do is automatically create a due date which is 7 days PRIOR to that event date when the item is created. I’ve searched and searched but have found nothing and I’m at a loss. Any Ideas?

I think you could try this?
Since you’re creating a new item, you can use that as the trigger. You can say Set the Due date to today and then push the due date -7 days. I don’t know how well this would work in practice, I didn’t test it. But that’s how we’ve done due dates for somethings.