Hi Arsenalol1Y,
Welcome to the monday.com community!
While you cannot show the progression of a timeline within the Timeline View or Gantt View, what you can do instead is use a formula column to help show how far you are in your timeline via a percentage.
For this formula, anytime before the timeline starts is marked as 0, and anything after the timeline ends is marked as 100. Items with no set timeline will have a blank formula cell. The percentage symbol can be added via the column summary:
Here is the formula I used within this screenshot:
IF(MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(DAYS(TODAY(),{Timeline#Start}), DAYS({Timeline#End}, {Timeline#Start})), 100)>100, 100, IF(MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(DAYS(TODAY(),{Timeline#Start}), DAYS({Timeline#End}, {Timeline#Start})), 100)<0, 0, IF(AND(MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(DAYS(TODAY(),{Timeline#Start}), DAYS({Timeline#End}, {Timeline#Start})), 100)>0, MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(DAYS(TODAY(),{Timeline#Start}), DAYS({Timeline#End}, {Timeline#Start})), 100)<100), ROUNDUP(MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(DAYS(TODAY(),{Timeline#Start}), DAYS({Timeline#End}, {Timeline#Start})), 100),1), “”)))
You may also find some helpful information in one of our formula support articles:
I hope this helps!