Show Year in Timeline Table view

Hey guys!

Could you please make the same column settings for Timeline as it is for Date column? There is really need to see the year of period sometime. Not all projects will be done this year or next. And from the first view, the timeline “01.01.2020-01.02.2020” looks the same as “01.01.2021-01.02.2021” because you can’t see a year on standard view.

Hope you can implement this feature very fast.
Thanks in advance.

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Hey Anastasiia,

Justin here :slight_smile: Thank you so much for taking the time to share your needs.

Are you able to include a screenshot with an image of what your ideal scenario would look like? I would like to include this in your feedback to our product team.


Hi Justin,

Thank you!

As you can see from the first screenshot, the timelines look similar for all three tasks

But actually, the first is Jan-Feb 2020

Second Jan-Feb 2021

Ans third Jan-Feb 2022

The best way I can imagine how to solve this problem is following:


Hey @Anastasiia,

Thank you so much for this detailed explanation.

I can see clearly now (the rain is gone) what you are looking for. I do think this could be extremely useful and I will be sure to pass this along as feedback to our team for review.

In the meantime, continue to share your suggestions and feel free to post your use case in the other areas of the community.



Any update on this topic? I took would find it extremely helpful if the timeline view showed the year.

My organization would also would really value this. We use and the timeline view to track grants that we give and projects that we undertake and they almost always span multiple years. The lack of year in the timeline view makes it really hard to quickly identify when a grant or project is active or when it ended, making us wonder if we always need to create duplicate date columns to display the information.


It is really only the way things are presented. I use the “Start + End = Timeline” app from the marketplace to update a start date and an end date when the timeline changes. The date columns do show the year from the timeline.



Is there any update to this feature?
We are looking forward to its deployment in our account.

I would really appreciate the year presented on the timeline.
It is too confusing to have the dates when products run over different years

Same issue here. Please add this feature.