Signup Forms for Time Slots

Hi there!

I am working on developing forms for my company and I have run into an issue. I am trying to make one of these forms with a signup for a particular time. This would mean that if one person choses 1PM then another person could not take this slot.

I am currently using signup genius but would love if I could do the same kind of thing in Does anyone know of a way to make this work?

Please let me know.

Thank you!

Hi @annah :wave:

Welcome to the Community!

I’m afraid at the moment, there isn’t a way for the forms to only show the available time slots for users to pick.
The only option I can think of here would be to let a user pick a few time slots, and once they submit the form, have an automatic email sent out to let them know their submission is being reviewed.
You can then manually check the times they’ve selected and let them know which ones are free.

You can use either the Outlook Integration or Gmail Integration to allow for automatic emailing.
You would just need to set up an automation like the following:

Could this be an option for you?



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Hi @annah - What we recommend is using a dedicated booking system and integrating it with monday․com. That way you can get all the features of an appointment booking system and have it automatically update your information in monday․com. Two excellent booking systems we recommend at Polished Geek are Calendly and Book Like a Boss which is what we use ourselves.

You can check out our booking page here:

~ Deb Cinkus, PMP
Certified monday․com Partner
CEO & Principal Consultant, Polished Geek

Thank you so much for the information, I will take this into consideration!

Thank you Dani! I will try this out.

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