Stock notification vs. automated notification

I’ve looked everywhere I can think of in the knowledge base. I’ve checked account, board, workspace, and personal settings. I can’t figure this out - or maybe I’m just in denial because I don’t like the answer.

Does anyone know if it is possible to turn off stock notifications while keeping notifications set up via automations turned on? [Edited to add: specific to “bell”/desktop/mobile notifications - I am aware this is possible for emails.]
For example, if I have an automation set up “when an item is created then notify (people column)” I don’t want the people in that column to get the general “you were assigned to the Item in the Board” notification but I DO want them to get the specific notification that I set up in the automation. This is purely to avoid double-notifying the same person. Sure, they can click the stock notification to open the item in the board. But it would be so much more convenient if they ONLY got the notification with all the details chosen in the automation though, so they could glance at the notification to see those details without having to get both notifications or having to navigate to that item/board/specific columns.

As far as I can tell, if an individual user mutes notifications from a board, this mutes ALL notifications including those set up via automations. Am I wrong? Can anyone help me if I’m right but they know of a workaround?

Hi June,

In the email notification settings in your profile, you can turn off a lot of those stock notifications, like when someone gets assigned to an item. There is a notification in the settings that you would want to keep on called “Notifies me via automations” which allows for email notifications when an automation fires to notify them.

Does that help?

Yes and no - I totally forgot that it is optional for emails (although I did see that setting during my search) and I will let my team members know if they ask again. However I failed to mention in the post that I was specifically referring to “bell” notifications and/or mobile notifications.
I appreciate your input though!