Subitem inherit column values from Parent

Simple request that I think would be very useful- Would love the ability to grab column values from a sub items parent in the sub item itself, primarily for function column usage.

I’d like to be able to do calculations on values in specific sub items using a value set in the parent item. For example- Using parent items in a group to be POs and sub items of each PO to be billing points/line items. If I could communicate between sub item and parent item, I could fill out price points in columns per PO and then calculate totals based off of each sub item.

PO A bills at $1.00 per foot and has 5 sub items which refer to 5 different footage orders to invoice
PO B Bills at $1.50 per foot and has 3 sub items which refer to 3 different footage orders to invoice

If I could communicate between sub items and the parent item, I could input the price point in the parent item and use a formula to calculate total charges for each sub item based on price point set in the parent. Then I could relay that value summary back to the parent and determine if a PO is running low or not.

We have tried work around such as mirroring columns from the same board, but these don’t allow you to set defaults or anything, so unfortunately its just another column the user has to click. Plus mirroring a column from the same board seems kind of clunky.

I second this. This is currently preventing the whole team from using as an OMS, where we have to have subitems inherit values, such as client, marketplace, currency and fee % from the parent item, otherwise it defeats the purpose.

I know this is marked “Highly Requested” and in Backlog with no ETA, but it’d be great to be able to escalate this to a higher priority level.


Absolutely and please in the automatation “create a subitem” include the option of having available the fields of the parent to insert in any column in the subitem.


Yes! Please add this feature. That would enable our team to do so much more! We are working on a product order system and what to be able to store past orders for an item in the subitems, so whenever the item’s status turns to ‘Ordered’, a subitem is created storing the quantity and price. This helps us to know how much we are spending.

Thank you!


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This function definetly must be in monday !!

With all the big fund raising and share prices going up, you’d think some budget would be thrown into sorting all the subitem issue out. Been too long. It’s end of q2 yet features for q2 are still not even in Beta

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Yes, we really neeed this.
And please, the same for placeholders in Emails and Activities - we need to use placeholders for parent item’s column values.

This is another thing what I am looking for as a work around for calculating subitem column values based on parent item column values with a formula.

I like the ability to make it independent, but I would love to be able to set the default to be the same so then we can change them later.

Hi there,

I am using automations to create subitems as our items move from one stage to the other. We have also added a deadline column to the subitems on our board which allows them to show up in my week. These are great features and have helped our team track all the different tasks that are assigned to them. But since a lot of our subitems have the same name (because they are autogenerated) it makes it difficult to differentiate in my week which item these subs are related to.

I tried setting the subitem name in automation like this : “subitem name - {}” but it didn’t recognize the variable and just named the subitem exactly like I had typed it out.

Is there any way to support the pulse variables as part of the naming for subitems during automatic creation?


Im fully support this. We need this feature too

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Agree. the pulse variables in automations for both items and subitems would be very useful!

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I came here to see if this feature existed. This would be a big improvement!

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I would really love for this feature to be available. It makes assigning subitems on ‘My Work’ easier to handle and trace.

I am also looking for this feature.


Huge Need! Seems intuitive, for our uses. Not sure about everybody else.

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Yes, please! This seems like it should be table steaks. I would expect the functionality to be able to go two-way: parent to child and vice versa with an ability to determine which you want in the settings.

The roadmap for '23 suggests sub-items will soon be able to inherit columns from the parent item, the next step has to be a tick-box that allows you to inherit the current value. The ultimate goal would be to have complete alignment i.e. an automation that would allow you to synch date/status/item name to sub-item once an item is either created or changed.

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The ability to inherit columns from the parent item is now available, but the value of the parent cell needs to populate in the sub item cell as well. The value in the sub item cell should update if the cell value in the parent line changes. This would be a great time saver.


I second this! I need to be able to use a value from a parent item in a formula of a subitem.

Monday Experts- Do we have any idea if this is coming down the pipeline?