Subitem statuses not changing and still sending out emails

I have a status to say when waiting on client send out an email which has subitems. When the parent status is changed to Upload Complete, it is supposed to move to a completed group, however the subitems are still tasked to waiting on client and still sending out email notifications. I have one client who received over 100 emails. I didn’t think the email triggers were for subitems but only for parent items? I am really starting to 2nd guess my decision to use monday.

Hi Tori,

I can understand your frustration but you are not far off from a good solution.

I am not sure what the use case is for your subitems but my recommendation would be to do the following:

  1. Add to your board a automation template When all statuses of subitems changes to _____, then change the item status to ____. This is where when all subitems change, then it changes the parent item.

  2. Utilize now the email integration to trigger of the parent item status so that when all the subitems change, you can now know the email will send once off of the parent item.

  3. OPTION: Add a date column that gets reset every time the status changes so it tracks when the last time the integration ran then use that as a automation condition.

Feel free to reach out if you want to look at an example and walk through some options.

Mike B
Automation Architect

I finally was able to do a zoom call, and apparently there is a glitch and emails were being sent out via sub items in different groups even though the parent had a completely different status and it was not in the same group as the specific automation.

The automation says if item is in this group and says this status send email.

I cannot chase the date change because a formula is dependent on that date which shows a month. If the date changes so will the month which will confuse us, and our clients.

Oh I meant add a hidden date field to control this so that you can send them out the correct way.

If you ever want to look at it together just reach out and happy to provide feedback.