Time tracking column requests!

Great to hear this @debrawest , thank you for sharing.

Sorry but the additional costs for the top apps are ridiculous for a feature that should have been prioritized even before launching the entire platform.

I believe many people think that this should be urgently included in the roadmap.


Perhaps I’m missing something here (partially because I jumped to the bottom after reading a hundred posts or so of the same thing), but is nobody attempting to handle this via Subitems for their time tracking? That’s how we’re doing it now and it works just fine. It requires a little bit of tweaking to get proper roll up of the hours and such, but it’s definitely possible when combined with the Workload widget.
I’ll put down the use case we currently use, and hopefully that will work well enough for others.
Board covering Planned Tasks

  • Each Item = 1 Task
  • Each Subitem = 1 Employee
  • Each Subitem has whatever filtering fields needed, but then also a Time Tracking Field, a timline field, and a formula field to convert the time tracking result to a decimal value in hours (since attempting to read the results in the workload widget seems to roll it up in seconds for some reason),
  • Formula column by the way is: “ROUND(divide(ABS({Time Tracking}),3600),2)”
  • Items have a mirror column to roll up the Total Hours from the Fomula column (for visibility from the item itself, can also have a roll up of the People column too, to show who was on the task)
  • Then add a ‘blank’ View (formerly Dashboard), and add the Workload widget.
  • Set this up so that the Time Column is based on the timeline column, resource type is the people column, Effort and Capacity are the formula Total Hours column, and hen any additional weekly capacity or group based settings that you want.
  • alternatively, you can have a single dashboard that rolls up the data of multiple boards in this way instead, so that you can get time across multiple boards.

Then you have each person who is working on a task create their own subitem, update the fields accordingly, and then track their time accordingly. This includes setting the Timeline column as well, for the period of time that they will be working on the task, that week (this factors into the workload widget as a part of the special tweaks required).

  • It’s possible to have the timeline cover multiple weeks, but it won’t necessarily be accurate during that time if that is the case, as it evenly distributes hours tracked across all weeks in the timeline, even if only a fraction of the time was spent in one of those weeks.
  • Two workarounds for this are to have each subitem account for either one week or one day’s worth of time on the task. i.e. Working on a task for two weeks, would involve creating a subitem for the first week, and then a second one for the second week under the same item. Then all hours track appropriately when viewed in the workload view.

Special Extra Recommendation: Don’t have people name the subitems after themselves. Have them essentially copy/paste the name of the item again. In this way, if they look at their ‘My work’ section in Monday, they don’t see themselves assigned to a hundred tasks with just their name on them, but instead what the actual tasks are.

Edit: adding a screenshot as well, of a small subset selection of tasks/people over the last few weeks:

We use this exact solve at the moment, but its really not ideal if you’ve got certain permissions in the board or a larger group of people using it.
I guess this works quite well if your board is open, but we have a permission in place to say ‘only edit if you’re assigned to an item’ in which case, you cannot create a subitem, and the board owner needs to create whatever subitems you require under the item. This would become unmanageable pretty quickly, unless again, you have a small amount of people using the board.

I had a similar situation on another board, and the semi-workaround for it was to have a secondary people column (beyond the task owner) set up where everyone planned for the task would be added, and then set up a button with automation that would create a new subitem under the task that they could fill out. Or you could just keep the addition of new subitems to the task owners themselves, in order to break up the bottlneck of the board owner.
This was also done in a way because we had permissions set up where people could only see items they were assigned to, so I know that it works in regards to that as well.

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It is unfortunately that at the end of 2023, this basic feature is still not “in the roadmap”. It is not actually a new feature but fixing an existing bug. The application tells me that “YOU Have another session”, which I clearly do not, meaning this was never the intended behavior. Telling your customer that you won’t fix a bug because you are busy doing “other” things is dishonest.
Why workarounds don’t “work”

  1. Sub-items: Time tracking widget does not time track sub-items.
  2. A time column for every user: Time tracking widget only allows one time tracking column per board, so if I want to know the times logged for a given board, I will have to create a widget for every person.

I’d like to add a small, but super irritating, thing I’d love to see fixed in time tracking.

If you’re entering your time manually and you put the first time in, tab should just take you to the other one. But it doesn’t. You have to grab the mouse and click on the second one and highlight it to change it. When you use the time tracking a lot, this gets really annoying.

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Week 2 using Monday and we’re getting serious heat for poor time tracking, should have read this thread before jumping in - is anyone having better results with the tracket integration?
We need to account for time outside of purely project-based work, also - eg, internal meetings etc - would happily hear anyones advice on this

I use time tracking to calculate worked hours of my dispatched staff, who work at numerous different hospitals across the country, all with their own specific timecards/tracking processes. I enter their hours from all these different forms/documents/etc. to create a uniform view, easily submit their hours to payroll, and to later confirm pay accuracy. Manual time entry needs improved, it seems optimized mainly for live time tracking.

  1. After entering start time, tab should absolutely just take you to the end time. The absence makes it extremely irritating to enter 3-5 shifts every week on 25+ people.

  2. Manual entry should allow for entering total shift hours rather than start/end times. At least a third of the timecards I process have total hours for the shift rather than specific time entries.

  3. There should be a better way to deduct 30 minutes from a manually entered shift to account for a lunch break other than creating an in time, out time, another in time, and a final out time for each shift.

  4. Once I’ve entered time, I have additional columns where I manual enter Reg hrs & OT hrs totals, because time tracking gives total worked hours but does not do anything to identify hours worked after 40. I do wish there was a way to improve this or add that feature, but I do not know what that would look like or how to articulate it.

If anyone has similar experiences and have found better work arounds or solutions, I’d love to hear about them!

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Hi @lyss

der is acutally a column called “hours” That I believe could make your work a lot easier. Especially if you do not need to submit actual start or end times.
If you need a combination of both you could also use a formular column that sums a time tracking- and an hours-column. (In that case you just need to make sure the formular-column does not round to the full hour)

YES! I need to be able to keep the data from the time tracking column, when an item moves into another board. It is automated to move, so that information needs to travel with the item.

Also, I need to be able to track time per client. Not just time per item. Any task related to a certain client needs to be tracked for their file. The time tracking apps to be added to Monday are also not functional for these purposes.

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Does Tracket work on iPhones?

Hey Jonny,

Happy to see that you are considering Tracket to be your time tracking solution.

Currently it does not work on Iphone, as monday.com does not support marketplace apps fully on mobile yet. However, we are in the progress of developing this with them, thus enabling the use of Tracket on Iphone as well. So stay tuned!

Other than that the app works perfectly either in browser or in the monday.com app on desktop.

Thanks for asking.

Should you want a good peak on the app, feel free to book a group demo with me:

Group Demo Tracket


Lukas van Paridon
Business Consultant Avisi Apps

Let me know when it works on the mobile app. We desperately need it as 15 of our employees work from an iPhone.

Hey Jonny,

Sure thing! Will do.

Kind regards,

Lukas van Paridon

Soon we’ll celebrate 5 years since this has been requested :rofl:

I guess Monday is too busy creating new products to make them money, like Monday Service, WorkCanas, etc
 rather than fixing/improving something that people actually are requesting.


Why can’t the workload widget use the date from the start/stop of the time tracking timer as the X-axis? We have to put a column for “completion date” in order to set a date for the time to be logged on.

if we spend 20 hours on the task in the last week of August, but finish it in one hour on September 1st we will end up with 21 hours worked on 9/1.


Also, one of the more important things for me that is missing, is the visualisation possibilities of timetracking.

The options to have graphs based on subject, person, task level, date level etc.

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@tfoster @JasperDemeurie if an add-on is an option, I suggest taking a look at the Analytics & Reports by Screenful. With it, you can create custom charts using data from Monday time tracking columns, and place them on monday dashboard, or schedule via email. The date ranges you set on charts will refer to the time when hours were logged. You can learn more from this blog post.

@mark.anley @Julietteb @tfoster @sl1nna @snicho
Multiple users can now simultaneously record time directly on an item and easily edit this time using Smart Timer and Team Tracking app which has the same look and feel as the native monday.com timer.

We had the same pain point with our service based business, we didn’t want them to have to log time as a subtask and we needed staff to work together on items at the same time, so we got our dev to build a solution which we have now released to the monday.com marketplace.

We also built in the ability for the team to see LIVE who is recording time on what, this helps us to manage our remote team and re-delegate work as needed.

We have only recently launched so if there are any tweaks that would help it better suit your business feel free to add to the live chat and we will see if we can roll it out in the next update