Timeline from start and end date columns


Does your app work with sub-items as I can’t see how to do this?

Start + End = Timeline works on items only, there is a counterpart app called “Sync Subitem Timeline” that does the same for subitems.

There is a rather (read very) clunky way to update the timeline if you need this for a one-off upload. Assuming you have a board with line-items already populated (potentially including separate start and end date columns) and an Item ID column , you can download the board to Excel. Using formulas you can then create a standard Mutate API command (see example below) insert the dates for the timeline, copy-paste the values into the API Playground, hit prettify and then execute.

mutation {
Update1: change_multiple_column_values(
item_id: xxxxxxxxxx
board_id: xxxxxxxxxx
column_values: “{"project_timeline" : {"from" : "2023-03-28", "to" : "2023-05-30"}}”
) {
Update2: change_multiple_column_values(
item_id: xxxxxxxxxx
board_id: xxxxxxxxxx
column_values: “{"project_timeline" : {"from" : "2023-09-15", "to" : "2023-12-12"}}”
) {

That this is not a standard in Monday function… this should not be a separate application within Monday to do this.


I am looking for a way to update the Timeline column and have that update automatically update another Date field (Due Date). I need to keep the secondary Date field as a Date column type so that the Monday dashboarding standard functionality will group all Items and such by Week. If it is a formula and just a value, that will not work.

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Reading these requests from 2 years ago and seeing that this hasn’t been addressed by Monday.com is kind of shocking. My company has 50 enterprise licenses and privacy assessments for any new app, regardless of the cost, are a pain to complete. How is this feature not built into Monday.com?

How hard is it to code the start data and end date to be extracted from a timeline? Get it together Monday.com.


I have a start date and an end date column with dates. These gets auto populated off of some other columns I have. I would like to be able to have a timeline column auto populate off of those columns. I found out that you can use a 3rd party vendor (General Caster) to cast the start date and end date into a timeline, but I’m limited to automations with them and would like a free Monday.com automation to do this. I’m trying to utilize a Gnatt chart, but need a timeline column to do so and don’t want to have to manually enter each task as there is over 350+ tasks. It would be nice to have the timeline auto populate seems I have the start date and end date populate.

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hi @RyanSchneider

The app “Start + End = Timeline” is creating a timeline from two dates (start + end). The good news: this is a one-time charge and allows unlimited automations.

I would agree! Every time I try to do something that a simple Excel file can do I reach out to Monday.com or now recently the community and get a response of we will let our development team know or there is a secondary app that you can purchase. Don’t worry though it’s only a one-time charge. You think something so easy would be built into Mondays…

Why can’t Monday.com do a simple task like an excel sheet though. I shouldn’t have to buy a secondary app for such a simple task.

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Don’t ask me :slight_smile: ask monday

Ok, Sorry I thought this was a community forum that helped others out. Thanks for your time… :slightly_smiling_face:

I was shocked to find that there is no option to get these to work this way. Should be as simply as creating links to those date columns as opposed to its own internal dates, with some error handling. Please add this feature. I see there is a 3rd party option but that should be a built-in function as that is a standard project management feature.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for sharing your feedback and ideas! After reading your feedback, the product team is looking into different ways to bring this feature to life. As of now, adding the ability to create a timeline from two date columns is on our long term roadmap.

Keep sharing and voting your favorite features! Your feedback truly helps our product team make decisions about our future roadmap.

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It’s frustrating that we need to use a separate app just to automate something as simple as setting the start and end dates of a timeline. Why isn’t this feature available directly?

What is considered long-term? I am surprised there isn’t a workaround like even importing from excel.

Long Term? Well, it’s been 2 years since the last message indicating this feature was on the “long term roadmap”. My guess is another two years…

Hi community!
Amber here from the product team. I’m excited to share that we have added this request to our roadmap and are hoping to release this feature later this year. All thanks to your feedback!
Looking forward to getting this feature out to you as soon as possible while making sure we maintain the best user experience :pray:


Hi Monday.com product team, my team has started using Monday.com as part of evaluating this platform for my organization. The need to populate the start and end date columns into timeline is very important because we want to use certain widgets like workload but this widget can only take in timeline field, rather than start and end dates. We imported our current project work breakdown structure task dates into Monday via excel. Unfortunately import excel can only accept date fields (another limitation on monday.com). My team can’t possibly manually update the timeline fields for more than 1000 tasks in a single project board and thus unable to monitor the resource workload using workload widget.

Together with other community members here, we are surprised this useful standard feature is not implemented yet after 2 years and should not be done via a 3rd party application. Appreciate if you can expedite this to be rolled out asap. Thank you.

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Thanks a lot, it will simplify a lot of workarounds :slight_smile: