Timeline from start and end date columns

Okay! Thank you for your help.

The need for this feature added within Monday would be incredibly helpful ā€“ without the use of the previously mentioned app.



I would love to have this feature. We do have saved templates where we have automations to reflect the changes in the timeline based on a launch date. Another automation to reflect the changes in the timeline to reflect that in start and due date. The issue with this workaround is that we have to set the timeline and start and due date for the first time. Although this workaround is useful for repeatable projects where we know it is going to take same duration to complete the said task, we are facing issue with the non-repeatable projects.

It is frustrating to set the timeline and also the Start Date and the Due date which is same as the timeline. We do need these separate dates to show on the dashboard and therefore need all three columns.

I would really appreciate if this feature request is picked and prioritized.

Hi There,

Can you please help me with your set up to autmatically adjust timelines based on the end date? I am able to create a template with the set duration of each task, however whenever i create a new project with a different end/due date, the template generates the same dates that were originally used to create the template

We sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to this thread! We are working on improving our responsiveness to the community, particularly our feature request process so appreciate your patience in advance!

On that note, as we pull together all the votes associated with this topic, we would love if you can redirect the votes on this thread, to the primary thread (most voted) here: Automatically populate due date with end day in timeline - #15 - as we plan to close this smaller thread in an attempt to consolidate all votes, and better prioritise this feature request based upon the total amount of votes :pray:

Thanks again!

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What would be useful is the following:

  1. have the possibility to select how to define a timeline with various options:
  • the current way (to be defined on a calendar)
  • selecting a start and end date from existing columns
  • selecting a start or end date from existing columns and defining the timeline with a time (from a column)

Related to this, a date defined via a formula should also be usable for that purpose.
My original post: https://community.monday.com/t/timeline-based-on-start-or-end-date-and-a-time-estimate/15718


This functionality would be incredibly useful. I agree with this suggestion.

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Hi Monday fans,

I have imported a long list of budget breakdown (1588 pulses) with a column ā€œStart dateā€ and a column ā€œEnd dateā€. I would like to use these two columns as inputs for a new timeline column. Any idea on how to do that?

Hello, is there a possibility to create a timeline column out of two date columns? Or to enter separately start date and end date in timeline column. That calendar feature to set up timeline is really annoying.

stay mellow

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I am also wondering this.

Iā€™m trying to create automations which use a start date and end date, but Iā€™m still interested in displaying the information in a timeline view. My current automation workaround is to use two date columns for the automation recipes, but Iā€™m not seeing a way to use these dates to create a timeline. Obviously the ideal for me would be automations having access to the timeline start date, but the above request would solve my problem as well.



When I prepare a task, I need to enter a timeline and a time estimate. Sadly, both are not linked together.
I would prefer to enter either the start date or the end date, the time estimate to realize the task and get the timeline calculated automatically based on the start/end date and the time estimate.

With such an automated timeline definition, we could also integrate much easier the management of employees vacations: the timeline could integrate the vacation period and postpone the end date or start date depending on the initial criteria.

This suggestion can be linked to the following about User presence management: https://community.monday.com/t/board-user-presence-management/15720?u=christophe

Thanks for any input and I hope this will catch your attention.

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I would also like to be able to do this

When importing a csv I would expect the application to be smart enough to concatenate a start and end date into a timeline date that can be used in a gantt chart. It is really frustrating to do an export from devOps and have to manually set the timeline for each feature imported. It is even more frustrating that the only solution is an extra app that costs additional money for what seems like basic functionality.


Tying timelines with start/end dates is so 2010. Why havenā€™t we already done this? And, there are no integration possibilities that will allow you to update the start/end dates with timeline changes and vice-versa. I can easily do this in MS Project, Google Calendar, Outlook, i.e. when a change is made to start date or duration, the end date is changed. Surely, the setting of a date (start or end) should be able to drive a timeline change

Let us know when/if such a capability will be added. It seems a number of people are asking for this.

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While the timeline column is essential to both planning an activity and presenting workload, itā€™s painfully manual to populate. One of two alternate improvements would be much appreciated. Either auto-populate the timeline column from Start and End date columns on the same board, or allow start and end dates to be typed into the timeline field (instead of requiring the use of the calendar)


How can we create a column that takes 2 date columns (start and end) and converting them to a timeline field? Didnt think this was necessary but the gantt widgets and calendar only work with timelines otherwise they are unable to display properly.

Hi @lebmelvin

There is an app in the marketplace that does exactly that https://monday.com/marketplace/18

Iā€™ve been trawling through the similar posts about using Start Date + End Date = Timeline.
I have added the app to my Board. I can set up an automation to create the timeline from two dates when I click on a button.

I have imported the start and end date columns from a spreadsheet and there are several hundred items. Whatā€™s the best way to create the timelines? Do I really have to click a button several hundred times, or can I automate the conversion for all rows at ones?

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hi @dom_donald

The app also presents itself as an automation block. You can build a custom automation that goes:

This creates a timeline when you import items from Excel.