Total Time Tracking for an individual user

Hi everyone,

Our team tracks time on each task / sub-task.

Sometimes, multiple people will be involved in the same task. They will all log different hours.

We want to see how much time in total each team member has spent in overall (in a certain time period would be good, grouped would be even better) at a dashboard level.

Currently, all the ‘Chart’ widgets and ‘Time Tracking’ widgets that I use all use a ‘People’ column, which is great, but our ‘People’ column is not always the person who’s doing it (often people have to jump in and help out).

I know the metadata is there, as I can see different people have logged different sessions.

However, all widgets just track the time with regards to the person who’s labelled in the ‘People’ column.

Can anyone help? Really appreciate any ideas / solves.

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Hi @rossg have you tried to adjust the “Time Tracking” Widget to choose a column type to group by “Time Tracking Sessions” then filter out by Person? :slight_smile:

Hi Sirah - thanks for the reply. I think that would work, but we only track time at a sub-task level. On the widget, I can only see options at a task level when choosing which “Time Tracking” columns to include, not sub-task “Time Tracking” columns.

Do you/anyone know if there is a way to choose sub-task columns?

@rossg Analytics & Reports by Screenful allows reporting time tracking data both on top level items and subitems. You can group and filter the charts by any column in your boards so the reports are not limited to tracking based on People column.

You can learn more from this guide: Creating charts based on time tracking data - Screenful Guide for

Here’s a guide for getting started with a 14 days free trial.

Hi @rossg,

Have you tried the TeamBoard - a’s add on?

You can see how much total time each team member has spent overall within a specific timeframe in TeamBoard. TeamBoard also includes features like capacity planning, scheduled hours, workload management, and a timesheet approval workflow.

You can give it a try here

I hope it helps

Thanks Sami.

  1. I can’t find anything on pricing - where is this information?
  2. Are you able to filter for time period? (i.e. how much time was tracked in a calendar month, how much time was tracked in a bespoke client contractual period, etc)

To track total time spent by each team member, regardless of the ‘People’ column:

  1. Custom Fields: Use custom fields to log time for each person working on a task.
  2. Subtasks: Assign subtasks to individuals to track time more accurately.
  3. Time Tracking Integrations: Use third-party tools like Toggl or Harvest for more flexible tracking.
  4. API/Reporting: Use the Monday API to create custom reports that aggregate time by user.
  5. Dashboard Widget: Create a custom widget to display time tracked by each person across tasks.

These methods should help you see total time spent by each team member.

Hi Ross,

  1. Screenful Pricing

  2. Yes you can filter by time period and by any other item property (such as client)

Can you explain how this solves the problem stated?

@rossg did you find a solution yet? Internally we have an individual timelog (subitem) per day per person on each task (item), and everything is synced up to our Master Board using our Master Data app (which you can find information on here - > Master Data - Mint Consulting. I then check the teams timelogs each morning for the previous day through charts built on our Master Board. We don’t use the timetracking column because it has the issue you mentioned, and users have forgotten to switch it off many times which is frustrating to audit and fix. I’d recommend using a numbers column.

Bruce Gosk |
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