Trouble using new API version

Hello, i am replicating the example usage above and can’t figure out what’s the issue. Do i need to update my API version somewhere? i cant figure it out

Hey @salva – good Q. Try updating your API version by clicking the clock icon in the center of the screen and selecting 2023-10:


Thank you so much @dipro - now I’m getting the same JSON response but when querying the API from an external source, such as code or Postman. Is there somewhere else I need to update the API version for non-playground usage?

{“errors”:[{“message”:“Field ‘items_page’ doesn’t exist on type ‘Board’”,“locations”:[{“line”:11,“column”:7}],“path”:[“query”,“boards”,“items_page”],“extensions”:{“code”:“undefinedField”,“typeName”:“Board”,“fieldName”:“items_page”}}],“account_id”:ACCOUNTID}

Are you passing the API version header in your request? Check out this doc for more info!

This is the format: "API-Version" : "2023-10"

EDIT: BTW I moved this discussion into a new thread for clarity :slight_smile: