TRUE Unique ID for Subitems

Can anyone please help me create a TRULY unique ID for my subitems? I tried the AutoID Subitems app, but it doesn’t create a UNIQUE ID as it relates to the entire board,… just unique within that item. So the first subitem under each item has the same ‘unique’ ID.

hi @jmifsud

We created the apps AutoID Column and AutoID Subitems. It is true that each subitem ID generated starts with the same numbering scheme for each parent item. Therefore the app supports to include the parent item column values (e.g. the parent item ID). The gives you something like:

  • Parent item ID (let’s assume projects): PR-001
    – subitem ID (lets assume tasks): PR-001.01
    –next subitem: PR-001.02
  • Next parent ID: PR-002
    – first subitem: PR-002.01
    – next subitem: PR-002.02
    – next subitem: PR-002.03


Hi Bas - thank you for the response. Here’s some more context…

Referencing the image below,… Whenever the Furniture column is marked as YES, a series of subitems are created for the item; Couch, Love Seat, Sofa Chair,…etc. Quantities will eventually be inputted into the Move In Quantity column. I will then use VLookup to pull those numbers into another board. But when I do this, it pulls the Move In Quantity numbers for the same item,… probably the first one.

i don’t know how VLOOKUP works, but probably you get a match on the first subitem. To make the subitems unique for the entire board you need to include the AutoID form the parent item into the subitem as described in my previous post.