Unassign when issue is set to done

Hi @Sotiris - Is this what you want to do? Screen Recording 2020-12-14... (video clip)

The video shared by Deb is a great start. In case you want to change to a more process controlled way of working (e.g. by turning your groups into stages) you can do this with an app found here: 40|Status Controlled Groups - Excellent Team

It will move an item to another group when a status is changed. At the same time it copies a people column to the “Owners” column. Combined with board permissions set to “Only owners of an item can change…” you can build a workflow where person A needs to set a status to Done which results in the item moving to the next stage and assign different people to it.


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Hi, Yes this is great!
Thanks for pointing this out, we will have a look at it with our team.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey aholk,

I actually found a way around, i just made multiple people columns. each one for each type of job there has to be done. This makes it easy for automations. you do have to make the custom one to delete the assignee. A i did not like to see all these people columns i found out that you can hide them under the view options on the left. We use a status change to assign a specific person in the first place. Therefor there is never a need of visually seeing the people column.

But in this way the person that is in the people field can filter the board on his name and see only his projects.

I hope this can help you out.

For anyone else who cannot find this feature, you need to search for ‘clear assignee’, even though its called unassign in the options…